What ROSIE Just Said PROVES Trump’s Right – She Is A DISGUSTING PIG

Poor Rosie. Her funny bone is broken. All she has left is nasty trolling. Weapons-grade nasty.
It’s a good thing she’s dried up and menopausal. Becuase what she says she would do with her ‘flow’ might qualify as assault. And make people vomit.
O’Donnell said she would like to do this to pro-lifers: “I’d like to take my period blood I no longer have and write, ‘you’re all assh—s.’ I’d like to smear it all over some people’s faces.”
Additionally, during the interview with Hutt, she said that London Marathoner Kiran Ganhi’s decision to run without a tampon while menstruating is a critical demonstration for women’s rights.
.. [for context, they cited an earlier article:]…
O’Donnell recently canceled her plans to adopt another child after finding out that he faced health problems. Earlier this year, O’Donnell separated from her wife, Michelle Rounds, and news reports reveal that the pair plans to divorce. In fact, right now they are in the middle of an ugly custody battle for their daughter…
Dakota’s biological mother, Jami Weaver, had agreed to carry another child for the couple but their arrangement was canceled when O’Donnell learned the child had … a birth defect … Weaver explained, “Rosie told me she could not handle having a special needs child.”
after the birth defect was detected, O’Donnell said she did not want to continue with the adoption even though doctors said they could fix it with surgery. Weaver concluded, “Rosie said that she’d had a previous relationship with a girlfriend who had several kids, most of whom had ‘issues’ including autism. Rosie and Michelle weren’t the warm people I thought they were… I just felt like I was a dog breeding puppies for Rosie.”
Full artilce at Lifenews.com
Remember when Rosie and Trump were in that twitter war about Rosie being nasty? (Here’s just a sample)
Rosie is crude, rude, obnoxious and dumb – other than that I like her very much!
Does Trump have a point?
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