HAGGARD HILLARY: Hillary To SKIP Rallies For This Many Weeks (She’s SICK & WASHED UP)
We’re not sure exactly what’s going on here, but it looks like she’s keeping a ‘light schedule’. Is this strategy, or is this ‘doctors orders?’
Hillary’s schedule shows that she will appear at just one fundraiser, in San Francisco, California on Sunday, but besides that has absolutely no plans to show her face at any rallies.
Hillary’ s absence is emphasized by the fact that Bernie Sanders – who is 75-years-old – will head up no less than seven rallies over the next two days in place of Clinton.
While Clinton will appear at none of her own rallies until beyond October 23, Donald Trump is set to headline four rallies over the next seven days alone.
CNN mentioned Clinton’s “light schedule,” although their report failed to highlight the fact that Hillary seems to be taking more time off than ever before.
Last month, for example, Hillary’s only event over a six day period was a short speech she gave in Orlando, Florida.
One might expect at least SOME increase in activity this close to the election, wouldn’t you?