8th Graders Put Paul Ryan On FULL BLAST After Trip To DC – Was It TOO MUCH?
These ‘little tykes’ sure have some strong opinions, don’t they?
A free-thinking group of eighth grades refused to pose with House Speaker Paul Ryan during a field trip to Washington DC on Thursday.
Half of the students from South Orange Middle School in New Jersey stood on the other side of the street as their classmates had their photo taken with Ryan outside the United States Capitol.
When he uploaded the image to Instagram, the ones who had refused to be in it flooded the comments section with insults and complaints.
‘Half of us stood across the street including me because we hate you,’ said one.
Here is a ClashDaily EXCLUSIVE video of the ‘free-thinking’ 8th graders crossing the street:
‘The fact that he puts his party before his country, he likes to think of what his party will think of him other than what his country will think of him,’ Matthew Malespina, 13 said.
Ryan’s Republican stance on healthcare, education and LGBT rights were among the things Matthew disagreed with.
Right, don’t YOU remember 8th grade, when all you would talk about is the political platform of both political parties? Debating Health care reform, and minority rights?
This must be public school.
Otherwise, such ‘politically astute’ kids would know that Barry was more concerned with his ‘global’ perception that what was good for America.
And that Hillary was more concerned seizing the reigns of power and with padding her own wallet than what was good for America.
Look, we’re not exactly the biggest Paul Ryan supporters over here, but come on! Show a tad bit of respect for the office! Can you imagine the hate if this had been Republican kids refusing to meet with Maxine Waters or Nacy Pelosi?
But ‘brave’ Matthew and his compatriots are to be lauded.
The children were taking part in a field trip to DC when they were told on Wednesday that they would be meeting Ryan.
Matthew texted his mother immediately to tell her that he was concerned and she urged him to let the teachers know he was uncomfortable with it.
He is a ‘walking talking meme’… the quote said.
Funny thing, that entire class became exactly that… a meme.
Free thinking… since these thirteen-year-old kids haven’t been taught critical thinking by the publik skrewel system let’s define it for them. Free thinking is NOT displayed by having lockstep political agreement with your teachers (and other) Democrats.
In fact, that is the OPPOSITE of free thinking. That is being an intellectual lemming.
And should it really surprise us that we see a group of intellectual lemmings — of whatever age — lining up behind the Democrats? These are just the younger version.
They don’t even realize that school choice could provide them a far better education. One that doesn’t leave them ideologically stunted like this.
Which is EXACTLY what the Left fears most about educational reforms.