Will Scaramucci Purge The White House Of GOP Gossip Girls?

Anthony Scaramucci has had a VERY interesting first week in the White House. But will he be able to make some REAL changes like maybe ousting leakers like he promised?
Remember, he said that he’d fire everyone if the leaking didn’t stop.
That was apparently enough of a threat for the now-former White House Assistant Press Secretary, Michael Short. He didn’t wait for the ax to drop — he quit before he could be fired. He knew he was up next.
How did he know?
Because he was probably a leaker.
From Lauren Cooley of Red Alert Politics:
For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, Michael Short, (now former) White House assistant press secretary has been leaking palace intrigue for months. Prior to working at the White House, he worked on the Trump campaign… that is until things got tough with the Access Hollywood tapes. Apparently Short left the office and never came back. The next time he was seen was move in day to his new cushy job at the White House.
Short apparently just didn’t show up one day. His computer was left open and his desk was cleared out.
Well, that’s fishy isn’t it?
He just up and left and then showed up in the White House.
Short was close to GOP establishment elites including current White House Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus.
He was sent to work on the Trump campaign by the RNC… that was once headed up by Reince Priebus.
The delicate balance of staffing the White House with Trump’s Anti-Establishment Swamp Draining Team™ and The Establishment RINOs™ comfortable with the status quo of favor-trading rather than actual governance by ‘We the People‘, seems to be tipping over to one side.
It’s the establishment GOP against President Trump and his team.
It’s time for some Swamp Draining, amirite?
And the King Swamp Thing may be none other than Reince Priebus himself.
Kinda makes that Cain-Abel comment by Scaramucci make sense, right?
Short is no Edward Snowden; he’s not a whistleblower. He’s just an unprofessional gossip queen.
Last night on Sean Hannity, Scaramucci said that he’s discovered senior people who are asking “junior people to leak for them.” He also hinted that he may fire more people, which he’s concerned might lead to a “civil war.”
This morning, after a firestorm of late night tweets, Scaramucci called into CNN and told Chris Cuomo, “if Reince wants to explain he’s not a leaker, let him do that.”
Quite frankly, it looks like former RNC chair and current Chief of Staff Reince Priebus is the senior official leaking to junior aids who previously worked with him at the RNC. That would explain Scaramucci’s “civil war” remark, as it seems the the flood of leaks keep coming directly from the former RNC posse.
It’s so bizarre that we can’t seem to get anywhere on the repeal/replace ObamaCare or taxes or other actual conservative principals.
But maybe it all makes sense.
The RNC loyalists are determined to take down President Trump even if it means shooting holes in the very boat that they’re floating in.
In shark-infested water.
After the Democrats have tossed chum all over the place and are waving from their yacht named ‘Socialism’ that was paid for by taxpayers.
Maybe we need someone like Scaramucci to kick things over and scare the hell out of these RNC wussies.
Because we don’t need the Republicans climbing over onto the ‘Socialism’ boat.
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Raising Righteous & Rowdy Girls
It has been said that daughters are God’s revenge on fathers for the kind of men they were when they were young. Some would say that both Doug Giles and I, given our infamous pasts, are charter members of that club. However, Doug and I know that his two wonderful daughters and my equally wonderful daughter and two granddaughters are truly God’s fantastic gift. With the wisdom of hindsight and experience Doug has written the ultimate manual for dads on raising righteous and rowdy daughters who will go out into the world well prepared- morally, physically, intellectually and with joyful hearts- to be indomitable and mighty lionesses in our cultural jungle. Through every raucous and no-holds-barred page, Doug, the incomparable Dad Drill Sergeant, puts mere men through the paces to join the ranks of the few, the proud, and the successful fathers of super daughters. The proof of Doug Giles’ gold-plated credentials are Hannah and Regis Giles- two of the most fantastic, great hearted and accomplished young ladies I have ever known. This is THE BOOK that I will be giving the father of my two precious five and three year old granddaughters. Tiger Mom meet Lion Dad! — Pat Caddell Fox News Contributor —
In ‘Raising Righteous and Rowdy Girls’, Doug Giles reinforces the notion that little women don t need to be pampered by their fathers to turn out right. And having met his beautiful daughters, I know his philosophy works. As a strong-willed woman who thinks her daddy is the greatest guy in the world, I can tell you this is a must-read for every man who hopes to earn the same title. —-S.E. Cupp Best Selling Author & Fox News Analyst
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