Woman Gets Stiff Jail Time For Food Stamp Fraud – Was It Too Much Or Just Right?

Americans, as a people, are happy to help people in genuine need.
But game the system, and we’d GLADLY see you rot in jail. Let this be a lesson to others.
Phyllis Tyler, 49, of Edgewood Kentucky, was running a beauty supply shop that also sold shirts, snacks, and beer.
She was convicted of running a racket where she bought EBT cards for half their value and then spending them on purchases either for her personal use or for store inventory.
Total sentence? Sixty-six months. (That’s five and a half years for those of us from Public School.)
Here’s a quick description of what she was doing:
Investigators say that the government money went to Tyler’s business bank account. She also purchased EBT cards for cash at other retailers, using the benefits to buy items to add to the store’s inventory or for personal use.
Tyler’s food stamp fraud totaled $408,979.76, and she laundered more than $10,000 that she obtained through food stamp fraud through a financial institution on four separate occasions, according to investigators.
In addition to her prison sentence, Tyler must serve three years of probation after she is released from prison. She must also serve at least 85 percent of her sentence behind bars. –Breitbart
(Does she forfeit receiving any sort of government assistance for life, too?)
We need to publicly shame such people as robbing from the poor.
How do you feel about the penalty Phyllis was slapped with?