Bill Maher Goes Rogue On The Left And Blasts The #MeToo Women – Is He Right Or Ridiculous?

Bill Maher is saying a whole lot of reasonable things — is this a sign that the end of the world is at hand?
Or is it that the left is so completely nuts right now that Bill Maher has refused to follow them down the lane to complete and total insanity?
Whatever the reason, Bill Maher certainly dropped a few truth-bombs with his f-bombs on his recent show.
He had on Bari Weiss, a writer for the New York Times and recent feminist outcast for her opinion piece defending Aziz Ansari from the defamatory piece that alleges he sexually assaulted a date several years ago.
The #MeToo crowd doesn’t like Weiss very much.
They’re not going to like what Maher had to say, either.
Bill Maher has warned that the #MeToo movement might be creating a ‘police state’ for sex and says a portion of ‘f***ing fragile’ millennials are partly to blame.
The HBO host was dissecting the #MeToo movement on his Real Time show with guest, New York Times opinion writer Bari Weiss, on Friday night.
Maher suggested that the threshold for what is considered harassment and assault is getting wider and it has created unreasonable expectations.
He added that the lesson men are learning from the movement is to ‘just shut up’ because even when they say the right thing that are attacked for saying something wrong.
The rabid feminists are demanding that you toe the line on #MeToo and (it seems to me) it’s now mandatory to denounce any action from a male to a female that isn’t continuously consensual with paperwork filled out in triplicate.
Maher even uses the example of the awful treatment of Matt Damon — for saying that a smack on the butt and rape are both problematic but not identical — as an example of the feminists going too far.
And then he blamed the coddled millennials for the new #MeToo world that we live in.
The HBO host blamed a certain number of millennials.
‘This is what I always try to keep in mind when I’m feuding with the millennials – I don’t think it’s the majority of them,’ he said.
‘I think it’s the upper-middle class who grew up screaming at their parents and that was okay. And they are just so f***ing fragile.
‘I think of them as emotional hemophiliacs and the rest of us have to be so careful around them.’
Source: Daily Mail
‘Emotional hemophiliacs’ — that phrase is descriptive and accurate.
The exchange between Maher and Weiss is pretty good, but — it is Bill Maher, so LANGUAGE WARNING:
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