Life After Brexit: Britain Facing An Unknown Future

by Jack Billington
Clash Daily Guest Contributor
Islamic terrorism, both lone wolf and overseas directed, has been the face of the enemy for the people in Western societies since 9/11. It has changed the way we live, the way we travel, and the way we conduct our business at home and abroad. For the first time in almost two centuries, the enemy is among us, not in some distant land fighting our uniformed combatants, and with minimal planning and a pittance of cost, that enemy commits random mass murder and has done so since 9/11 in London, Boston, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Paris, Brussels, and Nice. And what was inextricably linked with the threat of terrorism was the problem of mass immigration across porous borders and from countries that were immersed in radical Islamic theology.
The Brexit vote of 23 June 2016 was for the majority of British voters all about immigration. While Britons and Americans, whose jobs have been lost through globalization, would like to have their jobs back, more importantly they want their countries back, the countries they had before the tidal wave of Third World immigration that has continued without much letup since 1970.
The vote split the British electorate almost down the middle, dividing the country by generation, religion, ethnicity, class, and region, and between rural and urban. The political leadership of both the Conservative and Labour parties urged the people to vote against Brexit, and even President Obama weighed in to warn Britons that they would be at the back of the queue in any future trade agreement if they voted to leave the EU, another indication of how the special relationship had deteriorated. It was a clash between British nationalists fearful of losing their traditions and culture and Eurocentric multiculturalists fearful of losing the urban prosperity that came with free trade and free movement of labor across EU open borders.
The narrow victory at the polls of the pro-Brexit cause shocked British elites in politics, the media, and entertainment, and led to a sharp fall, at least temporarily, in the dollar value of the British pound. In the United States the same kind of people who voted for the Brexit in the United Kingdom are the supporters of Donald Trump.
What comes next for Britain? Prime minister, Theresa May, and her foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, will be engaged for the next couple of years disengaging from the EU. Like most divorces, it will be contentious. They will have the more important and even more difficult task of unifying a bitterly divided country, much as the American president, Donald Trump, will have in the United States.
After Brexit it will be Britain alone on an independent course, perhaps with another independence bid by Scotland, where support for the EU remains strong. The Americans, racked by serious social disorder and a national debt approaching $20 trillion, are no longer allies on which Britain can completely rely for her security. The United Kingdom may well come full circle at the end of the second Elizabethan era, returning to what it had been at the beginning of the first Elizabethan era, just England and Wales and, for the foreseeable future, Northern Ireland.
Can the special relationship with the United States survive when the percentage of Americans of European descent sharply declines with falling birth rates and the percentage of Americans of Latin American, Asian, and African ethnic origin grows with each successive election cycle? Ties of blood, history, culture, and language are the things that made the special relationship in the first place, and without them England will mean no more to a 21st-century American than Denmark or the Netherlands, albeit with ballistic missile nuclear submarines and a bigger economy.
It was symbolic that one of Barack Obama’s first acts as president was to return a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office to the British Embassy, which had presented the Churchill bust as a gift to his predecessor. The message was plain: that the white imperialist Winston Churchill is not one of our heroes and has been supplanted by such racial identity and revolutionary heroes as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Saul Alinsky, Malcolm X, and Chairman Mao, all revered by the Obamas, and the Obamas are not alone.
Free from the regulations and extraterritoriality of the EU bureaucracy in Brussels, Britain enters a new era of her long history, more than 1,600 years after the Roman legions pulled out to defend Rome itself from the barbarian migrations crossing the Alps into Italy. Their way of life, future prosperity, and national security are in the sovereign hands of the British people once again. The EU and the Americans may not always be there for them in the post-Brexit era. Sovereignty in a globalist world is not an easy path. Britain should heed the advice of the 19th-century prime minister Lord Palmerston, who famously wrote, “Nations have no permanent friends or allies; they have only permanent interests.”
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Jack Billington is a former officer. As an officer, he studied military history, and after service, histo-ry is still interesting for him. He devotes his free time to conducting shooting courses with firearms. Also, he writes a blog – Secret Storages about home & self-defense training tips. Also, you can find him on Facebook.