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News Clash

Dick’s Folds To Gun Control Lobby – So The Internet Put Them On Full Blast

Good going, Dick’s! Now you get to find out if ‘no such thing as bad publicity’ is a myth or not.

Dick’s Sporting Goods (and their other chain, Field and Stream — no relation to the magazine) decided to pick sides in the politicizing of a school shooting.

There are many questions about what went wrong at that catastrophic day in Florida. many of them pointing to bureaucratic failures.

We’ve talked at some length elsewhere about the many, many, many administrative failures to pick up on red flags. But Dicks’s hasn’t weighed in on that.

We’ve talked about how 20 out of 21 shooters lacked a positive male role model (e.g. DAD) in the home. But Dicks’s hasn’t launched a mentor program for at-risk kids.

We’ve looked at the social-justice program that kept many interactions with police ‘off the books’ so that the Broward School district looked like it was making its schools safer. That may have been the very Program that allowed this high-risk offender to pass a background check.

And the Media(D) has turned the shrill up to eleven, with heavy backing from the usual Leftist political pressure groups.

Like vultures, they exploited the pain and horror of a tragedy — (Don’t let it go to waste!) — so that they could advance a political agenda.

So what did Dicks’s do? They sided… with the vultures.

No really.

They denounced the GUN, and they will no longer be selling guns to adults under the age of 21.

Naturally, the Internet had fun with roasting them.

Oh, you’re activists now? Here’s your hat!

That old name of yours is so 2017. Here, let’s fix that for you.

Much better.

You’ve just made your competitors really happy. Mom and pop shops thank you for the ‘stand’ you just took… as do these guys.

Great business play, guys.

Maybe you didn’t see the hit certain carriers that denounced the NRA took, huh?

Oh well — it’s your problem, not ours.

For sure you can make up for any lost business with hipster soyboys… right?

Effeminization Of The American Male

by Doug Giles

Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male

Wear this to the gym and I guarantee you’ll get some comments.

Buy it now!

Oh, yes, Ladies, you can wear this shirt. Get yours here.

This is definitely one of the most politically incorrect t-shirts to ever hit the market. It will most certainly offend the entitled whiners!
Keep Calm and Don’t Be a Pussy!
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