Hey Democrats: This Book On The Real Causes Of Poverty Will Blow Your Minds
For a clear understanding of poverty’s causes and effects, read The Poverty of Nations – A Sustainable Solution by Dr. Wayne Grudem and Dr. Barry Asmus. In plain understandable English they explain the economic, sociological, political, Biblical, and leadership factors that account for poverty and prosperity – and that have a strategic positive effect in our country and throughout the world.
In their desire to help the poor and less fortunate, it is sad that the Democrats rarely emphasizes the primary cause of poverty, i.e., the lack of productivity of poor people in a free market, free trade, competitive, constitutional, law-and-order economy.
The Democrats emphasis is almost always on the redistribution of wealth from those who’ve earned it and own it – to those who didn’t and don’t. They always propose higher tax rates and some have even gone as high as 90%!
Needless-to-say, a societal (tax payer) safety net for those who cannot provide for themselves is necessary and justifiable. However, long term government handouts to able bodied citizens is a mistake that only encourages sloth and the loss of self-esteem. Happiness results from earned achievement, not government handouts.
The prosperity of a nation and its people comes from work, entrepreneurial effort, investment, specialization, trade, law-and-order, personal property rights, honest government, proper use of time, etc. The United States has achieved the highest standard of living for the greatest number by deploying these factors – by its development of the American-Way* (See below.)
When necessary, government entitlements for the poor have only a short-term, transitional, positive effect. In fact, over time they enhance strategic poverty by encouraging dependency and sloth.
While it is understandable that many people don’t fully understand these fundamental laws of economics – these cause-and-effect relationships – it is discouraging when highly intelligent leaders fail to rise above the parochial understanding of the basic causes of poverty and prosperity.
Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and their fellow Democrats often speak in disparaging terms about businessmen/women and their profit motive. They say businesses should be focused on job creation for the poor. Frankly, that’s the wrong focus. Businesses should focus on serving the needs, wants, and expectations of customers and clients – at a profit (surplus for “non-profits”). Without profit and/or surplus, the funds are not available to foster growth, entrepreneurialism, jobs and strategic prosperity. Fortunately, Pres. Trump fully understands this and is acting accordingly.
Again, for a clear understanding of its causes and effects, read The Poverty of Nations – A Sustainable Solution by Dr. Wayne Grudem and Dr. Barry Asmus. In plain understandable English they explain the economic, sociological, political, Biblical, and leadership factors that account for poverty and prosperity – and that have a strategic positive effect in our country and throughout the world.
*The American-Way ― *The American Prosperity Machine: *The American-Way ― *The American Prosperity Machine: Traditional Judeo/Christian principles and values . . . the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness . . . freedom of speech, action, religion and family governance . . . an educated and informed society . . . freedom from gender and racial discrimination . . . affordable healthcare . . . the rule of Constitutional Law . . . the peaceful settlement of disputes . . . honest elections and presidential and congressional leadership . . . patriotic, truthful, checked-&-balanced, limited government . . . a strong military . . . cost-effective national defense . . . secure borders . . . the right of citizens to own and bear arms . . . free, competitive markets and institutions . . . properly-regulated free-enterprise . . . balanced trade . . . private property rights . . . low cost, domestically supplied energy and natural resources . . . controlled immigration . . . individual responsibility and ingenuity . . . entrepreneurialism . . . businesses and enterprises that exist to meet the needs, wants and expectations of customers, suppliers, employees, and communities . . . a strong work ethic . . . full employment . . . fair pay . . . appropriate safety nets . . . low taxes . . . a strong, reliable currency . . . financial availability, mobility, and responsibility (balanced budget, minimal debt) . . . Competitive, Free-Market, Free-Enterprise, Constitutionally Limited Government . . . and American Exceptionalism.
In God we must trust . . . but we must always do our part – to secure and promote the truth and a better way – to protect our freedom and interests – and to defend the Judeo-Christian American-Way.
Image: Excerpted from: https://pixabay.com/en/elbe-philharmonic-hall-hamburg-2482637/