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Billionaire Google Exec’s Behavior A “Harassment Claim Waiting To Happen”

Sergey Brin is the Founder of Google, and President of Alphabet. He is the 10th richest man in the world, worth about $52B. Across the internet, Google processes 90% of searches.

According to Sergey Brin, the 64 million average Americans who voted for Mr. Trump are all fascists. Mr. Brin says they are all very offensive, just as Mr. Trump is very offensive. Mr. Brin says these voters are misguided nationalists, and tribalists, people he will school, all for the public good of course.

Recently released tapes of Sergey speaking with Google execs and employees in 2016 reveal Sergey made it clear he was going to do something about these American fascists, these bored, uninformed voters who elected Mr. Trump. He told his Google audience he was going to intervene. Here is what transpired, allegedly, soon thereafter.


Fox News obtained an internal email from a former head of multicultural marketing at Google detailing the company’s efforts to turn out Latino voters for the presidential election.

Google has also been accused of burying Conservative news outlets search results by the President himself.

“Google search results for ‘Trump News’ shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media,” Trump said. “In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent.”

It may or may not be significant that Sergey is a Russian immigrant, divorced, two kids. Who knows if Sergey is an agent of one kind or another? What is very significant is Sergey’s past, and his present.

A new book* by Wired magazine writer Adam Fisher describes Sergey as one who behaved as if he was unaware of sexual harassment laws in the workplace. Sergey is accused of having sex with female employees at work quite frequently.

Fisher quotes Google’s first executive chef, Charlie Ayers, and Heather Cairns, the company’s first HR manager—-

Charlie Ayers: Sergey’s the Google playboy. He was known for getting his fingers caught in the cookie jar with employees that worked for the company in the masseuse room. He got around.
Heather Cairns: And we didn’t have locks, so you can’t help it if you walk in on people if there’s no lock. Remember, we’re a bunch of twentysomethings except for me—ancient at 35, so there’s some hormones and they’re raging.
Charlie Ayers: H.R. told me that Sergey’s response to it was, “Why not? They’re my employees.” But you don’t have employees for f**king! That’s not what the job is.
Heather Cairns: Oh my God: This is a sexual harassment claim waiting to happen! That was my concern.

Perhaps Mr. Brin’s attempts to take the moral high ground and manipulate us with propaganda is the real offense here.

Congressional investigation pending?

Image: CC BY-SA 2.0; Excerpted from:

Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.