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Dear CNN: Michelle Malkin Drops A Truthbomb On False Rape Allegations — Is That News?

We hear it all the time — women don’t falsely report rape. But that’s just not true.

You’d think that Rolling Stone’s egregious error in publishing ‘A rape on campus’ — the false accusation that members of UVA’s Phi Kappa Psi had gang-raped a girl at a frat party — would make the Media (D) cautious about the ‘We Believe Survivors’ movement. After all, Rolling Stone believed the ‘survivor’ who turned out to not be a survivor at all.

The fact that no one wants to talk about is that women lie about being raped. Women like Crystal Magnum‘Jackie’ of the UVA, Columbia’s ‘Mattress Girl’ Emma SulkowiczWanetta Gibson,Tawana BrawleyGregory Counts and VanDyke Perry’s accuser, are just a few of the high profile examples in the last 30 or so years.

There has been a statistic trotted out all over the Media (D) that only ‘2% of rape allegations are false’ but that’s simply not true.

Just like the false number of deaths by ‘backroom abortions’ pre-Roe was completely fabricated by activists, so too is the low number of false claims of rape.

Michelle Malkin, a fellow woman, explains that the 2% statistic has ‘no documented empirical basis‘ and was first made by a feminist activist in the 1970s.



So, to sum up:

  • the 2% number was an unverified citation made by feminist, Susan Brownmiller in her 1975 book ‘Against Our Will’
  • researcher Edward Greer tried to track down Brownmiller’s source and found that it was an ‘ideological fabrication’ that has ‘no basis in fact’
  • Greer found no studies on false rape allegations in any scientific literature but did find that Brownmiller had cited Judge Lawrence H. Cooke‘s 1974 speech to the New York Bar Association — but with no corroborative data to support the low number
  • documented false rape allegations range wildly between 8% to 41%
  • false allegations are more common than we are being led to believe
  • people lie for a multiplicity of reasons

Frankly, as a woman, I find the manipulation of facts surrounding ‘women’s issues’ particularly frustrating. If I did believe in such a thing as ‘The Patriarchy’ (I don’t) it wouldn’t be the one on the right where everyone is treated equally and merit is the standard. It would be the ‘soft patriarchy of lowered expectations’ on the left, to borrow a phrase. That coddling of women from facts and reality because their emotions need to be validated even if it means fudging the numbers. Women need to be shielded from the reality that they are sometimes wrong, and biased, and outright liars.

Today, The College Fix reported that a website allegedly run by students of the University of Washington called ‘Make Them Scared UW’ is publishing unverified allegations of sexual assault. The website on its FAQ page calls it a ‘communal rape list’ of names and schools of those that allegedly committed acts of sexual assault while their accusers are kept confidential.

We’ve moved from the shaming victims ages ago to publishing the names of men involved in drunken hookups that are regretted the morning after.


The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.”

― Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Last time I checked, every human being included male and female.

That’s why the ‘We Believe Survivors’ is nonsense. You can’t just believe someone because she’s a woman, and you can’t condemn someone just because he’s a man.

And yet, that’s precisely what many activists on the left are advocating for — the elimination of the presumption of innocence because of a hashtag campaign on social media.

God help us all.’s, Editor-In-Chief, Doug Giles how-to book:

Raising Righteous & Rowdy Girls

In ‘Raising Righteous and Rowdy Girls’, Doug Giles reinforces the notion that little women don’t need to be pampered by their fathers to turn out right. And having met his beautiful daughters, I know his philosophy works. As a strong-willed woman who thinks her daddy is the greatest guy in the world, I can tell you this is a must-read for every man who hopes to earn the same title. —-S.E. Cupp Best Selling Author & Fox News Analyst

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker