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Time Magazine’s 2018 ‘Person Of The Year’ Is Chosen – Do YOU Agree?

The Media(D) has selected the Person Of The Year. Here is who they chose and why. What do you think of their choice?

Time Magazine has snubbed President Trump for the second time in a row as Person Of The Year. President Trump has been named the ‘Runner-up’ for the Person Of The Year for the second time. After Trump’s spectacular electoral victory in November 2016, he was selected as the Person Of The Year, but the headline was, ‘Donald Trump, President of the Divided States of America.’

In 2017, President Trump, who had pushed the economy to new heights by pulling back on regulations to free business, and shocked even some conservative critics with his spectacularly conservative agenda, was passed over in favor of the ‘Silence-Breakers’ that have ushered in the #MeToo movement.

This year, Time Magazine has selected ‘The Guardians and the War on Truth’ — a group of journalists that faced imprisonment, harassment, or even death for doing their job. The list includes murdered Washington Post columnist, Jamal Khashoggi. Also included were the 4 journalists and a sales associate at the Capital Gazette in Maryland that were gunned down in an attack in July; a pair of Reuters journalists, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, who were sentenced to 7 years in prison in Myanmar for reporting on the military’s mass killing of Rohingya Muslims;  and the former bureau chief of CNN, Maria Ressa, who has been critical of Philippine President Roderigo Duterte.

Of course, there was a little snide comment about calling the Media(D) ‘fake news’ and the ‘enemy of the people,’ but that’s to be expected.

With a record number of reporters behind bars around the planet — the Committee to Protect Journalists documented 262 cases in 2017— an avalanche of misinformation on social media and government officials from the United States to the Philippines dismissing critical, real reporting as “fake news,” Time is spotlighting a handful of journalists who have one thing in common: They were targeted for their work.

Source: NBC News

Notably missing is Sharyl Attkisson, who was targetted and harassed by the Obama administration.

Other than President Trump, the nominees included:

Separated families – Families separated at the U.S. border as part of policy aimed at deterring illegal immigration

Vladimir Putin – Russian president

Robert Mueller – Special counsel investigating Russian interference in 2016 presidential election

Ryan Coogler – Director of “Black Panther”

Christine Blasey Ford – Professor who made sexual assault allegations during confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh.

Jamal Khashoggi – Journalist killed at Saudi Arabia consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2.

March for Our Lives Activists – Students organized to stop gun violence

Moon Jae-in – South Korean president

Meghan Markle – Hollywood actress who became British royalty when she married Prince Harry.


Interestingly, Justice Brett Kavanaugh wasn’t included, but his accuser with a base-less story was. Interesting.

Here is why Time’s CEO and Editor-in-Chief, Edward Felsenthal, enumerates the reasons why President Trump was the number two choice:

  • headlines around the globe
  • reshaped the Supreme Court
  • immigration
  • regulation
  • exposed the weaknesses of our system
  • revealed the strength of our system
  • rebukes in the courts against Trump
  • Mueller investigation

Of course, they’d have to throw those negatives in there. I’m sure that they included Barack’s coziness with Louis Farrakhan and his inclination to vote ‘present’ when he didn’t vote über-left on issues in the Illinois legislature when he was selected Person Of The Year in 2008. And they didn’t seem to mention the Benghazi attack and the lying by the President to the American people, and the numerous scandals of the ‘scandal-free administration’ when he was selected again as Person Of The Year in 2012.

I’m sure that was just an oversight.


Watch Edward Felsenthal discuss the decision:

So, what do YOU think of the decision?

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker