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WATCH: What French Rioters Chant About Trump Will NOT Be Loved By CNN

Ask anyone in the Media what the ‘international community’ thinks of Trump, and they’ll slam him… but what do real-live people think of him?

Real people? You expect the press to know or care about that? Many of them haven’t even set foot in ‘flyover country’? If they did, it would be like reporting on some kind of an alien race, not just an American with a different opinion of what politics ought to look like.

Particular attention gets paid by the media of any negative response the President gets, whether at home or abroad.

The UK has a lame protest and a goofy baby balloon? It’s all we hear about for a week. Someone in Finland makes some snarky signs on the route Trump takes to his destination there? It’s somehow a story that the #resist crowd takes delight in.

What about when the French citizens — who are boiling over in rage over the mess Macron is making of France — are protesting on their streets?

Will these same sanctimonious media-types report the GOOD things they are saying about the President? Probably not.

That’s ok, Social media just did the work reporters USED to know how to do, before they were domesticated:

They’re chanting ‘We Want Trump’.


One guy standing on top of a bus in a Trump mask got the whole crowd cheering for OUR President, chanting HIS name the way we might chant U-S-A!

Will little Jimmy Acosta ever report on THAT?

We won’t hold our breath.

Saying ANYTHING nice about 45 might freak him right out.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck