WATCH: Angry Liberal Author Said She Wants Trump DEAD – Then Backpedals
Bill Maher has some real doozies on his show. Check out this angry leftist author’s anti-Trump rant.
Fran Lebowitz, who claims to be ethnically Jewish but not religiously so, (she has been an atheist from the age of 7,) is an author and a “humorist” who writes social commentary on American life through the lens of her “New York sensibilities.” Because we all need more of that, don’t we? Finally, New York has a voice on what America’s values should be!
Lebowitz appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday evening and her comments in the initial interview with Maher sparked one humdinger of a brouhaha on Social Media(D). During her chat with Maher, she said that not only should President Trump be impeached (for what, was unclear,) but that he should be handed over to Saudi Arabia and be given the Jamal Khashoggi treatment.
Producers of the show revealed that there was quite a bit of backlash on Twitter after the 68-year old suggested that President Trump be murdered and dismembered by a Saudi “hit team” as Jamal Khashoggi was alleged to have been after he entered an Embassy in Istanbul in October 2018.
I guess she forgot to behave with “politeness of the heart” and “gentleness of the spirit” as she suggests:
I place a high moral value on the way people behave. I find it repellent to have a lot, and to behave with anything other than courtesy in the old sense of the word – politeness of the heart, a gentleness of the spirit.
Check out her rather disturbing exchange with Maher.
MAHER: Where are you on impeachment?
LEBOWITZ: I change my mind from day to day. I mean, where am I on impeachment? Certainly, he deserves to be impeached. I mean, impeachment is just the beginning of what he deserves. Not even scratching the surface of what he deserves.
MAHER: But it’s a practical matter, it’s a practical matter.
LEBOWITZ: Whenever, you know, I think about this and what he really deserves, I think, “We should turn him over to the Saudis,” you know? His buddies. The same Saudis who got rid of that reporter, you know? Maybe they can do the same for him.
Here’s where Lebowitz suggested that “the Saudis” should “take care” of the President:
Well, that’s a “Yikes!”
I’m old enough to remember when making a joke by asking a foreign nation to meddle in domestic political matters was evidence of “collusion.” That was in those heady days for leftists before the Mueller Report was released and CNN’s viewership tanked to below the number of prostitutes living in the United States.
She’s talking about his Saudi “buddies” that the United States issued travel bans against? Somehow, Lebowitz didn’t mention that part.
When Lebowitz was told by a producer during the break that Twitter had exploded with negative comments, Maher helped her with her backpedaling.
MAHER: But first, what happened? You said something and they’re mad at you? I know this feeling. The thing you said about the Saudis? You were making a joke and it went too far. We’re sorry? Is that where we’re at?
LEBOWITZ: This is what the producer said. He said we’re getting blowback on Twitter or something.
MAHER: Okay, well…
LEBOWITZ: I saw your face when I said it. I didn’t even realize that I said it. I had twelve cups of coffee. I regret saying it.
MAHER: Okay, there you go. I mean, you know, it’s like, everyone’s too… everyone’s too, too, too, too. I mean, it’s a live show. You don’t really want to see the President dismembered by the Saudis.
LEBOWITZ: No, I don’t.
MAHER: I don’t like Donald Trump either, but yes, I had Kathy Griffin on … I said, “We should forgive Kathy Griffin,” but I don’t endorse what she said either, or did. It was not the right thing, you know.
LEBOWITZ: Bad comparison.
MAHER: Right. Okay, but no matter who the president is, we do not want physical harm to come to him.
LEBOWITZ: I did not mean that, and I regret saying it, and I regret that everyone misinterpreted it because they misinterpret everything. Why should they stop with me?
Here is the lame backpedaling:
#FranLebowitz clarifies her Trump comments on #RTOvertime:
— Real Time with Bill Maher (@RealTimers) May 18, 2019
“I had 12 cups of coffee! I didn’t realize I said it! I’m sorry you misinterpreted it, you idiots!” (Ok, that last part is implied.) Still, it’s a very classy apology, amirite?
She literally said that she was apologizing because the producer told her that there was an uproar on Twitter. It may have been a “stupid joke” but stupid jokes can get you a visit from the Secret Service, isn’t that right, Kathy Griffin? That’s because there are some things that are meant to be jokes that come across as incitement to violence or making a criminal threat of physical harm, which are both against the law.
The defense, “Oh, you’re taking this too literally!” is ridiculous.
Remember, these are the same people that said that because then-candidate Donald J. Trump made a joke about Russia forwarding him Hillary’s emails if they had them, that was evidence of collusion. The same people that want us to take AOC seriously but not literally. These folks can crack all sorts of jokes about the world ending in 12 years because we didn’t adopt a radical socialist agenda or assassinating President Trump and we’re supposed to go, “meh”?
Well, I guess we can add this one to the long list of calls to assassinate President Trump that ClashDaily has reported on since the Election:
TWITTER: ANGRY Dems Call For Trump’s ASSASSINATION On Social Media
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Facebook DECLINES To Delete “ASSASSINATE Donald Trump” Page
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BREAKING: CEO of Major Guitar Amp Company THREATENS Trump Assassination- No Word From CNN
BREAKING: Black ‘Comedian’ Tells 15k People To ASSASSINATE President Trump – Isn’t That ILLEGAL?
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Congratulations, Ms. Lebowitz, you and your 12 cups of coffee and a giant pile of regret (for being called out) are in stellar company.
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