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WATCH: Anti-Trumper, Jeff Daniels, Just Proved He’s A Bigger DUMB@SS Than Jim Carrey

Jim set that ‘dumbass’ bar pretty high. But Jeff found a way.

After his reaction to the abortion legislation in Alabama, the Dumbass of the week was Jim Carrey’s to lose.

How did he do that? By making another piece of REALLY bad political art.


That one bit him in the ass, because it accidentally acknowledged what abortion really is… with the kind of graphic image that is usually forbidden to be shown in public displays.

Great play there. Not only was he hatefully misogynistic, but he kneecapped his own team’s politics in the process. Stop checking the mailbox Jim, that Mensa card isn’t coming.

And then, out of nowhere, came Jeff Daniels. No really, it was out of nowhere. We hadn’t heard his name for so long we had to look him up to remember which Hollywood dope we’re talking about.

Oh, yes, that’s right. He’s the OTHER guy in Dumb and Dumber:

This must be Daniels’s way of reminding us that he’s got a lock on the title of ‘dumber’.

This lout actually believes — without any shred of evidence — that the Republican party is energized primarily by racial politics. (And that his party isn’t.)

That it’s the ‘only card’ we’ve got to play.

Keep playing that card, Hollywood. Keep calling Americans names. It worked out so VERY well when Obama called people ‘bitter clingers’. After that, it worked out so VERY well when Hillary called us ‘Deplorables’.

Daniels actually holds out hope that there’s some hidden Kryptonite buried in the unredacted portions of the Mueller Report. Holding hope that Mueller will somehow finally bring Trump down, and he’s hoping someone will ‘do the right thing’ and leak it… forgetting (a) even a judge cannot compel some of that information to be released because doing so would violate the law and (b) certain Democrats COULD have gone into a SCIF and read the (almost entirely) unredacted version for themselves… but they couldn’t be bothered.

The irony is, it’s the LEFT that has only one card to play.

If the Left had any other card to play besides accusing Republicans of being horrible people, they would have played it by now. But all they have to work with is the politics of fear — Orange Man Bad.

But, to their horror, the old accusations have lost their punch. The crowds keep coming out… and the rallies are packed!

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck