Republicans Were Keeping An Eye On The Coronavirus Situation While Democrats Were Working On Impeachment (VIDEO)
Remember the State of the Union speech that Speaker Pelosi made a great show of tearing up? President Trump spoke about the coronavirus outbreak in China in it.
What were Democrats doing?
VIDEO: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi jokes, laughs, poses with souvenir pens while signing articles of impeachment.
Latest:— WKRG (@WKRG) January 15, 2020
And this:
Hardly a damned thing was done in the House or the Senate while Washington was in the midst of the impeachment nonsense. Regular business was, for the most part, set aside.
The federal government was focused on what amounted to a waste of time dealing with a made-up crisis that sucked up all of the media’s attention. Politics and the media are inextricably tied. If there had been more coverage on coronavirus, perhaps we could have acted earlier and saved some lives in the process. (Of course, that’s just speculation on my part.)
But it wasn’t just the politics of impeachment that Democrats were paying attention to. When they were finally jolted from their slumber about the coronavirus, they politicized it.
Tom Elliott of Grabien News put together a “supercut” of Democrats giving terrible advice to the public about the coronavirus. Democrats were more concerned about perceived racism than about the possible public health fallout.
Dems give really terrible Coronavirus advice
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 1, 2020
Despite the gaslighting by people in the Media(D)–I’m looking at you, Joe Scarborough–Democrats weren’t exactly taking the lead in their concern for the coronavirus becoming a global pandemic.
Do you know who was worried? Senator Tom Cotton(R-AK). On January 30, he was sounding the alarm as others mocked him for it. He was apparently “fear-mongering.”
China is still lying about the spread of coronavirus, as they have from the start.
We now know the first case manifested no later than December 1. A month later, they continued to hide it from their own citizens.
Today, it is in every single province in China.
— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) January 30, 2020
Keep in mind that people were dealing with the information that was given at the time, including deliberate disinformation from the Chinese government that was fed through the World Health Organization.
The difference is that Republicans like Sen. Cotton are skeptical about the information that is provided by the Chinese Communist Party, but the globalist leftists don’t think that the Chinese would lie about their bungled response and put the world at risk. It’s not just naivety about the Chinese government, it’s ignorance.