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District Attorney Drops Charges On HUNDREDS Of ‘Peaceful’ Portland Protesters

Even the mayors of Chicago and Portland have acknowledged the criminality of some of these gatherings. But that doesn’t stop this DA from dropping hundreds of charges.

They called it the American Experiment for a reason. Each state picks its own leaders to flesh out its own priorities.

Some will work out. Others will fail miserably. But the states will get to watch one another, borrowing the best ideas, while learning from the mistakes.

America is watching this process out in real-time in places like Portland. They have set a policy priority that inverts the morality of law enforcement and criminal agitators. Police are the villains in their narrative, while the people sending those police to the hospital are heroic ‘defenders’ of some sort of justice.

We can KNOW that politicians have made this moral polarity inversion by watching their policies and public actions.

Mike Schmidt took office August 1st and his priorities are already changing the political landscape.

But first, let’s quickly revisit the wording of the First Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

We keep hearing the phrase ‘First Amendment activities’ kicked around like the skinny kid in a mosh pit. But there is a bright line of distinction around what, exactly constitutes First Amendment activities. It’s that descriptive word ‘peaceably’. The minute those assembled raise fists instead of voices, it is — by definition — no longer a ‘First Amendment activity’.

With that said, here’s what’s happening in Portland.

Hundreds of people arrested on non-violent misdemeanor charges during the protests in Portland, Oregon won’t be prosecuted after the District Attorney announced policy changes to protect people exercising their First Amendment right.

About 550 charges have been referred to Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt’s office since May 29 and they include 140 felonies, 45 of which are currently being pursued by authorities.

But as the office runs more than two months behind in processing cases because of COVID-19, Schmidt announced Tuesday that charges will be dropped for people who got caught up in rioting, if the allegations don’t involve ‘deliberate’ property damage, theft or force against another person or threats of force.

The majority of those arrested as a result of the unrest at the racial justice protests are white, according to the DA.

…’The protesters are angry … and deeply frustrated with what they perceive to be structural inequities in our basic social fabric. And this frustration can escalate to levels that violate the law,’ Schmidt said in a video from KGW.

‘What we’re doing is recognizing that the right to speak and have your voice heard is extremely important.

‘If you’re out there committing violence, you’re damaging property, those cases are going to be prosecuted. If you’re a person who is out there demonstrating and you get caught up in the melee, those are the kinds of cases that we’re talking about.’

The same no prosecution policy applies to those arrested on similar charges in future demonstrations, he said. —DailyMail

So, what crimes will NOT be prosecuted?

  • Interfering with a peace officer
    Disorderly conduct 2nd degree
    Criminal Trespass 1st or 2nd degree
    Riot (unless accompanied with a more serious charge)

How many of those ‘lesser’ charges will be evaporating?

Oh, about 400 or so.

Let’s see how the principle of ‘behavior that gets rewarded gets repeated’ will play out here in Portland.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck