‘Woking Dead’ Author Explains How The Vogue Virus Of Wokeness Is Breaking Down The Fabric Of Society

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From literature to comedy to memes, the Woke Warriors are coming after anyone who blasphemes against their ideology.
As we’ve seen with J.K. Rowling, Bill Maher, and Dave Chapelle, even those on the left aren’t immune to the woke mob attacks.
A.J. Rice, CEO of Publius PR, a communications firm in D.C., has worked with some of the biggest names in conservative circles. He’s also an occasional ClashDaily contributor. His new book titled, “The Woking Dead: How Society’s Vogue Virus Destroys Our Culture” is a timely tome that explains how radical leftism is pushing on both the political and cultural fronts to destroy Western Civilization as we know it… and take away our fun.
Rice says that the “Vogue Virus” of wokeness can take on many forms — cancel culture, critical race theory, pronouns, white privilege, microagresssions, political correctness in the 90s — and it’s being used as soft authoritarianism to control our behavior.
The book isn’t just what’s wrong with wokeness, but how to deal with it.
He says that the woke policing hasn’t just booted people off of social media — personal relationships have taken a hit. There has been a drastic change in how we relate to each other.
In a recent interview with Brietbart News, Rice discussed the book and at one point spoke about how the culture-altering effects of the MeToo movement, COVID lockdowns, and our all-consuming digital age have converged into a cultural revolution that is robbing people of their humanity.
Rice says that one surprising thing he found when writing the book was how the MeToo movement sowed distrust between men and women at a time when social media was already eroding interpersonal skills. The COVID lockdowns then exacerbated that by limiting face-to-face interactions and replacing it with impersonal “Zoom” videoconferencing.
“The younger generation… really cannot communicate with each other, and they already were bad at it. They’re always on their phones,” says Rice.
Rice says that the way-too-online, identity-obsessed Zoomers are struggling to live as authentically human as they’re being hit on all sides by the woke ideology that they’re saturated in.
“Millennials, for all the guff they get from the media, they really are concerned with purpose, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The generation after us, which you’re talking about — Gen Z — they’re obsessed with identity,” said Rice.
He concluded, “They want to create their online identity and make that their identity. They’re the most identity-obsessed generation in history, yet they actually have no personal identity. Their identities are either digital or some race, gender, sexual orientation identity. That’s it. So then being authentically human is being left on the cutting room floor.”
Here is A.J.’s recent interview with Alex Marlow of Brietbart News.
The Woking Dead Vs. The Phantom Menace
The Woking Dead: A Vogue Virus Coming For Our Liberty
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