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Massachusetts city announces: turn in your guns, get a free flu shot!

(NaturalNews) The city of Worcester, Massachusetts has one helluva deal for ya! Turn in your guns, and you’ll get a free flu shot in return.

It’s all part of the city’s annual “Goods for Guns Buyback Program” which sounds like an April Fools joke but actually isn’t.

So here’s how it works: You locate a firearm that might protect you from violent crime or even a runaway criminal government someday, and you bring it to the police department. Then they destroy your gun and in return for this, they assault you with mercury-laced vaccines and call it “even.”

Hmmm… gee, sounds like a bargain if you’re a brain-dead zombie. Me think guns bad, vaccines good, must destroy guns… take vaccine shots… watch TV… drink fluoride. Government GOOD!

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