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Tricky Ways to Stash Your Weapons

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  1. Empty cereal box in pantry, back when I lived in the ‘hood’. Was hoping thieves wouldn’t be hungry! Kaboom cereal in Kill Bill
  2. Hanging upside down from a hook under the bathroom cabinet, just above the door. Inside a closet (not a walk-in) up over the door. Most closets are “shallow” and while a Burglar might go thru your clothes and items on shelving, he probably won’t look straight-up over his head.
  3. Behind a decorative blanket hung like a cheap tapestry
  4. Non-locking hideaway picture frame.
  5. False bottom in bedside drawer.
  6. Fake electrical outlets.
  7. Some folks split the upholstery seam on the rear of the passenger’s seat toward the driver—insert a small holster and appropriate handgun, sew Velcro on the seams to reseal.
  8. Along with my storm door, my main entry door is steel with only a small window at the top. I have a nylon holster with my Colt Detective Special velcroed to the inside of the door, just above the doorknob, canted toward me about 45 degrees, when I open it. I can open the door to someone, & they never know my hand is just inches from a weapon. Should I invite them in, I simply close the storm door and leave the main door open, which puts the gun back against a wall and is never seen by a guest.
  9. At my desk is a scanner. It has no guts. Lift up the top, and remove handgun.
  10. A good method in general when you’re away from your home is to take whatever you want to hide, stash it in a garbage bag, and put it amongst dirty clothes. NO ONE looks through dirty clothes…unless they’re a perv…then they’re not usually looking to rob you in that case.

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