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MAN STUFF – The Wussification Pages: From McQueen to Mermen

Screen Shot 2013-04-05 at 9.36.50 AMOnce upon a time Steve McQueen defined American maledom, now the weakness spun from years of self-abuse has spawned, quite literally, a thing like Eric Ducharme: Meet the man who lives his life as a merman in Florida’s natural springs.

When Eric Ducharme slips into his handmade fin to explore the crystal clear waters of Florida’s natural springs as a merman, he says he’s mentally transported as well. So is the unique, eye-catching life of this Florida man who says he eats, sleeps and breathes mermaids while physically looking and acting like one as often as time allows. ‘It’s a lifestyle. It’s a path in life that I have chosen,’ says the 22-year-old from Crystal River.

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