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Liberal Logic 101 – Lena Dunham Tweets About Peeing to Celebrate Memorial Day

lena-d-cakePoor Lena Dunham. I feel badly for her, I really do. She’s clearly a troubled young woman. My sympathies for her, however, don’t go so far as to make excuses for the poisonous nonsense she’s pouring into an entire generation of Americans. Her fixation on frivolousness and freakiness is evident in the bizarre tweets she released this Memorial Day — y’know, the day here in America  we are supposed to honor our war dead. Her comments are weird and tasteless.

Memo to Ms. Dunham: Sometimes it’s important and necessary to get one’s eyes off oneself and be serious and respectful for a few moments. Everything’s not supposed to be material for wisecracking and our own personal agenda, whatever it might be.



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