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Terror Camps: Hello, Muddah, Hello, Faddah, Here I Am At Camp Jihada

child-jihad-1 (1)“Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.” ~Muslim: Book 41: Hadith 6985

School’s out for the summer … and as you’re sending your kids off to a few weeks of enjoying the innocence of swimming, crafts, hikes and a plethora of games … “Palestinian” parents are sending their kids off to learn how to: Kill for Allah.

A whopping 100,000 kids have been enrolled in Gaza Summer camp … but hundreds of thousands more will join (as is routine) these Summer camps RUN by terrorist groups. Hamas and Islamic Jihad (PIJ) … (both Muslim Brotherhood terror groups) … offer these camps, not for normal childhood fun, but for training the young to be murderers of the infidels … more specifically: The Jewish people.

Here’s what Baraa, a 12-year-old model camper, had to say about his summer fun:

I am overjoyed to belong to Islamic Jihad … My aspiration in the future is to receive official military missions, Allah willing, and I will be an outstanding [fighter] like the honourable martyrs Muhammad Al-Sheikh Khalil, Mahmoud Al-Zatma, and Yasser Abu Al-’Aish.[3] The Zionist enemy will not be able to defeat a people that was raised upon the Koran and upon the [values of] yearning for martyrdom and asceticism in this world in return for Allah’s pleasure and the attaining of Paradise. I am sure that the blood of my father was not spilled in vain. As I fire the first shot of my life, my blood boils in my veins, and I will not rest until I am on the battlefield, burning the enemy with the volcano of my vengeance.

And here’s 12-year-old Ezz, who was playing the role of the unfortunate enemy soldier taken from his position atop a scorching sand dune ( Ezz is a pupil at a school in the Gaza Strip run by the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA):

“When I’m older I want to fight in Al-Quds Brigades and capture Israeli troops.”

And fellow camper Osama, holding a rifle, explains:

“We learn to fight so that we’re ready for our resistance against the Zionist enemy (Israel) who occupies our land and kills us.”

Roughly 100 children under the age of 16 learn from members of Islamic Jihad’s armed wing Al-Quds Brigades how to strip down an AK-47 assault rifle, crawl through tunnels and run across burning tires on their assault course, amidst the sounds of explosions.

The opening ceremony was attended by Ismail Haniya, head of the actual Hamas administration, and other senior Hamas figures. Haniya said that the objective of the camps was to instill the campers with values to strengthen their morals and spread the spirit of jihad. Haniya’s “values” and “morals” are dubious, based on the responses of the campers and the selection of activities. But what can you expect from a bloodthirsty terrorist?!

He also said “Israel has no future in the land of Palestine”. And he considers ALL of Israel to be the land of “Palestine”.

On June 12, 2013, a ceremony was held to mark the end of the PIJ’s first camp session in Rafah. It was filmed by an Agence France-Presse correspondent who had been invited to the ceremony. The ceremony was a Military-style one and the children demonstrated the various military skills they had acquired, including firing live ammunition and simulating the abduction of an Israeli soldier.

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Audrey Russo

Audrey Russo is the Host of the weekly REELTalk Radio Show (NYC). Audrey writes a column for and handles Middle East/National Security/Terrorism/Cultural Issues, and her articles can be read in several other news/opinion journals. She is also a contributor on Audrey's Radio Show can also be heard on the Leading Edge Radio Network. Audrey is also an active member of the NYC performing arts community as a singer and actor.