Priests Rebuke Nancy Pelosi: Repent or Join a Satanic Church
I wish the craven evangelical ministers would grow some cojones like “The Priests for Life” obviously have and start rebuking politicians who claim union with Christ while proposing and supporting legislation that’s spawned in the abyss.
I don’t know if you’re hip to what the Priests for Life did last week but these gents formally sent Nancy Pelosi a little love letter telling that nutty chick, in essence, to either renounce her backing of abortion, as a Catholic, or join a Satanic Church.
Actually they didn’t say join a Satanic Church. But she would fit right in. Yeah, I said it. Nancy and her ilk, if they don’t repent, should renounce Christianity and just formally hook up with whatever hip sect is following el Diablo because their Weltanschauung sho’ doesn’t flow from the scripture.
Just a cursory bounce through the Decalogue and one will quickly see that Nancy and her nabobs are about as Christ-like as Heidi Klum is fat and nasty.
Check it out:
I. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (Clearly the Progressives have other gods, namely … them.)
II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. (Would having magazines depicting these cats in Messianic poses with Messianic mantras, which they don’t virulently condemn, equate idolatry?)
III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain. (Look, taking the name of God in vain just doesn’t mean Nancy yelling GD when the Botox needle strikes a nerve in her forehead. It also means invoking His name for insidious and deceptive reasons.)
IV. Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. (Yeah, right. Progressives are big churchgoers.)
V. Honor thy father and mother. (Note please that it says, father and mother and not father and father or mother and mother.)
VI. Thou shalt not kill. (Uh, would abortion fall into this category? I’m thinking, yes. By the way, why is it a double homicide when a murderer murders a pregnant mom and her unborn kid and not when a doc sucks an unborn baby through a vacuum cleaner fitted with razor blades at the behest of mommy dearest? Also, why do anti-hunters quote this text when they’re blathering about hunting being murder and they’re mute on this text when it comes to abortion? Please, thrill me with your answers. Send all correspondence to
VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery. (Must I comment on this one?)