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The Times Require Faithfulness, Unto Death

Daniel07Those of us in the White community have grown weary of accusations of racism, and many of us have been falsely accused for many years, but our experience does not compare to the Black experience. Our suffering is a mere inconvenience compared to theirs. Yes, we fought a great Civil War to atone, and yes, we’ve struggled for 148 years since to promote liberty and justice, for all.  But it would be a terrible mistake at this moment in history to turn our backs on all the good that has come, focusing only on the bad.

Pastor Hoye’s solution, the one true and right solution, is to break the cycle of fear and hatred by promoting the one true love agenda coming from the Father of Lights – for only the King of Kings can heal such deep wounds.

I walked away thanking Pastor Hoye, knowing I’d had the privilege of spending a few moments with a great man; great because of the greatness of the One he serves, and great because of his commitment to share God’s love as a righteous activist, even unto death.

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Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.