WHAT A COINCIDENCE: Valerie Jarrett’s Daughter and Hubby Work for Company that Receives $653 Million for Obamacare
At this point this is still speculation with little confirmation, however it is highly suspect. I urge anyone to look further into this for more info.
*Note Balkisson is not the PM’s son, as written below, but rather an MP’s son. … B.
Now we know why a company in Canada got the contract for Obamacare::::::
“Michael D. Harbison via Dutch Valkema
Dutch Valkema
Valerie Jarrett’s daughter MARRIES the son of Canadian PM who chose the IT firm for Obamacare healthcare.gov website for $653M
$653 Million Dollar wedding present. We Americans paid for it!!!
Obama attends wedding of Toronto Liberal MPP’s son | Toronto Star
Liberal MPP Bas Balkissoon’s son has married the daughter of one of President Barack Obama’s closest friends and advisers.
Read more: youtubenews.com