“Every unpunished murder takes away something from the security of every man’s life” ~Daniel Webster, (American Statesman, Senator and Orator, 1782-1852)
Yes, the time is getting closer … when Hillary throws her long-pointed hat into the Presidential ring: Flying monkeys and all. But based on a recent 2-part article by Tami Jackson at TheBlackSphere.net, that expounds on the coincidental deaths of 47 people associated with Hillary Clinton: Knowing Hillary may also be hazardous to your health.
Here’s just a few of those who were unfortunate enough to have worked with the Clintons:
1 – James McDougal – Convicted Whitewater partner of the Clintons ( died of an apparent heart attack)
2 – Mary Mahoney – shot while working in Starbucks before going public with a story of sexual harassment by Clinton, silencers used, $4000 remained in store
3 – Vince Foster – found dead in park near DC, gunshot wound to mouth (supposed suicide) with a .38 by his side. (Former White House Councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law Firm)
4 – Ron Brown – Sec. of Commerce and former DNC Chair ( died of a gunshot wound to the head [suppressed by the media/DC] and then went down in a plane crash.)
5 – C. Victor Raiser, II – major Clinton Fundraiser ( plane crash)
6 – Paul Tulley – DNC Political Director (48 yrs old of natural causes)
7 – Ed Willey – Clinton Fundraiser ( gunshot wound to the head)
8 – Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team ( gunned down in his car)
9 – James Bunch – Influential Texan (suicide by gunshot)
10 — John Wilson – Connections to Clinton’s Whitewater deals. (suicide by hanging)
Of the 47 dead associates, the majority happened to die of apparent suicides. ALL deaths untimely. Oh, I don’t know … but if your IQ is greater than that of a banana … you can see a pattern here.
Now, if I discovered that almost 50 former associates/employees of my potential boss, met with a premature demise … I would go back to the want ads.
Because clearly, working with Hillary … the smartest women on Earth: Should come with a warning label.
Image: Courtesy of: http://www.magickriver.org/2011/11/poisonous-leaks-lynas-extracting-rare.html