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Black Actress Tamera Mowry Attacked: “White Man’s Whore”–In Color-Blind America?

There is a sickness that seems to be festering in America despite the passage of 50 years since Rev. Martin Luther’s King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. The colorblind society that he sought seems as distant as the hope and faith he cherished for universal brotherhood. This is no more apparent than in the ongoing racist attacks leveled upon actress Tamera Mowry for her marriage to Fox News reporter Adam Housley.

There is clearly still a double standard in vogue in the nation where a colorblind society that liberals and liberal-minded blacks point toward as their eternal goal goes south if blacks are conservative. Then this malcontented bunch will take it several more levels downward when, as in the case of famed actress, Mowry marries a Whiteman from a conservative news network, i.e. Fox News.

The former child star actress of Sister, Sister, who joined her twin sister Tia on the hit comedy show, is now happily married to Housley who works out of the Fox News Los Angeles office. But when it comes to happily ever after, the racists who love to hide beneath the masks of racial tolerance are truly the harbingers of race-baiting evil intent.

All of the hurtful anger and unseemly viciousness culminated from one of the Tweets that called Tamera, “White Man’s whore,” because of her inter-racial marriage to Housley. According to Blaze, she brought this to light in a tearful admission in an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Unfortunately for the actress, who herself is the daughter of mixed racial heritage, has hidden the emotional pain since her May 2011 marriage to Housley which is when the racists’ attacks started.

What is troubling in this nation is how liberals, either black or white, could ever think that America could become a melting pot where races, cultures and beliefs could become joined. It is the very venom of political contempt that is used by liberals and blacks who cannot understand why their need for lockstep political correctness is a poisonous dart in the heart of America.

The lessons of Martin Luther King and the legacy of his dream seems to have evaporated and has been replaced by devaluing freedom of speech, of ideas, and of political affiliation. Why do these moronic Neanderthals believe that racism is a useful and necessary weapon to use on a couple in love?

Just how far will they take their hatred for those who are black and do not walk the same slave infested pathway they have chosen? Who has the legitimate right to taint Dr. King’s dream for universal equality and poison that well with the putrid aroma of shadow-comments burped up from cowardly computer screens?

This is the America that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. could not have possibly foreseen and would have never tolerated. The annual celebration of Rev. King’s birthday should be an embracing of the progress, the high marks of colorblind achievement in America.

Instead, we face the thousands of hate spewing race-baiters who wear the white sheets of the Night Riders of the post-Civil War and use keystrokes on the computer to create new hate and new separatists’ beliefs. These modern-day, potty-mouth racists are pointing fingers at the alleged pain that “Whitemen” or the universal “They” have caused them. Yet when asked to point out the examples of racism, their minds go strangely blank. What a surprise…not.

The true reality is that they have the key to freeing themselves from the hold of the past racism, which they keep embracing and wear quite comfortably like a new suit or dress. Their racism is bolder, more dramatic and certainly engaging. Their words seek to verbally lynch the Tamera Mowry and Adam Housley couples of America.

What they do not seem to understand is that it is their own future and the future that they seek to poison that is actually lynching them. Isn’t it interesting that in effect these modern day black racists have become the whores to the ghosts of the KKK past. The Grand Dragons of the old days are smiling from their graves.


Kevin Fobbs

Kevin Fobbs has more than 35 years of wide-ranging experience as a community and tenant organizer, Legal Services outreach program director, public relations consultant, business executive, gubernatorial and presidential appointee, political advisor, widely published writer, and national lecturer. Kevin is co-chair and co-founder of AC-3 (American-Canadian Conservative Coalition) that focuses on issues on both sides of the border between the two countries.