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More MSNBC Malarkey: Dr. Dyson’s Death Dance

Christmas cheer from Dr. Michael Eric Dyson: he says Christian men are border-line or closet homosexuals, and many Christians hate the Jews.  At least that is one reasonable interpretation of his irresponsible remarks on MSNBC at Christmas time.  Dyson joins a growing list of MSNBC commentators famous for gaping maws animated by miniscule minds. Let’s examine his words and provide a line-by-line analysis.  Here is the video of Dyson pontificating. A transcription is provided below.

Dyson has perfected the rapid-fire rhetoric of ridicule based on outright lies. He wins the gold medal for cramming the longest string of words into the shortest period of time.  This is by design.  The speaker does not want the listener to stop and thoughtfully consider.  The speaker is only interested in provoking the desired emotional response, leading listeners to the prefabricated conclusion: Christians are jerks, and religion is a joke. It’s all very PC, very hip, very rap-acious, very edgy. Dyson is famous for this kind of thing.  He is considered the cream of the crop: a fast-talking professor interested only in accusing others of racism and bigotry, whether or not the accusations stick, ignoring his own bigotry in the process, the hallmark of leftist propagandists.
A professor of sociology at Georgetown, he earned his PhD at Princeton in 1993.  Dyson is said to have been ordained a Baptist minister at age 19. He has taught at Chicago Theological Seminary and elsewhere.  Ah, the intellectual life devoted to service and the molding of young minds . . .all very progressive.

Reportedly his credibility suffered a tad, last spring, when he proclaimed Attorney General Eric Holder “the Moses of our time” and the “chief lawgiver of the United States.”  Apparently Mr. Dyson’s higher education failed to inform him an attorney general is a law enforcer not a law giver. Holder has done a terrible job of enforcement. He has made inappropriate efforts to legislate. And he is accused of breaking the law.

Therefore, Holder has been held in contempt by Congress (over Fast & Furious) and is being accused of high crimes and misdemeanors in recently filed articles of impeachment.  Hardly “the Moses of our time.”  Dyson’s credibility not only suffers, it vanishes.

A political analyst for MSKGB, Dyson’s latest flourish reads as follows:

Jesus was a Jew around whom a religion was made.  So the anti-Semitism of many of the Christians is ironic to begin with, and then secondly, the lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender stuff…look through the Bible…there’s a lot of interesting things….the same men who were set up in a church of all men— “I put my God, Jesus, over all women…I love him more than I love her.”  Hmmm.  Do you really?!  That sounds interestingly homoerotic to people who are outside your religious traditions.  I’m not suggesting it is, but I am suggesting that there are some very interesting, subtle narrative tensions within the Bible itself, and within Christianity beyond that.


Jesus was a Jew around whom a religion was made.” Baptists ministers confess faith in Jesus Christ, acknowledging He is God, not one “around whom a religion was made.’  As with his ignorance about the role of an attorney general, perhaps Rev. Dyson never heard that historic Christianity has always proclaimed the deity of Christ.  Was Dyson ordained a minister of misinformation?

Dyson is neither stupid nor ignorant. He knows God does not “make religion,” and that the God who became a man is not just another religious figurehead. Furthermore, the highly educated Rev. Dyson knows very well that Christ’s harshest words were reserved for religious hypocrites.  Dyson knows that Christ decried religion, urging people to embrace the Father in personal, reverent relationship.  Dyson also knows that Jesus did not appoint anyone to “make a religion.”  Instead Jesus called sinners to repentance, offering them salvation by faith through his substitutionary death on the Cross.

Knowing these things, and belittling Christ and his purpose, is no academic pursuit, nor is it theologically honest.  Therefore, it is obvious Mr. Dyson is simply a bold-faced liar, and he can get away with it because people are largely ignorant of what Christ actually taught.  Mr. Dyson preys on that ignorance, deceiving people, and slandering Christ, offenses God promises to judge, and punish, in the end.

So the anti-Semitism of many of the Christians is ironic . . . “   Based on the false premise that Christian religionists built a religion around Jesus, Dyson launches this next mindless phrase, throwing a Molotov cocktail, just to watch the flames ignite destruction.  In fact, most Christians understand and believe the Jews are God’s chosen people, a blessed nation, the ones through whom God first worked to save humankind, people who have suffered and today suffer enormously simply because they are chosen of the Father.  Dyson’s attack on both Jews and Christians serves a well thought out dual demonic purpose.  Aware of this evil, Dyson casually embraces it, snickering in so doing, and thus, he commits crimes against God and man.  Slander driving deceit for the purposes of destruction are all devices in the devil’s game.

. . . the lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender stuff…look through the Bible…there’s a lot of interesting things….the same men who were set up in a church of all men—– ‘I put my God, Jesus, over all women…I love him more than I love her.’  Hmmm.  Do you really?!  That sounds interestingly homoerotic to people who are outside your religious traditions.”    Here, the good professor’s polished illogic and dishonesty combine to achieve new depths of low-brow rhetoric.  Defending unbiblical sexual behavior he champions the “rights” of professional sinners by attacking Christian men as sexist hypocrites spreading a false religion. Dyson then casts such men as oppressors whose impulses to dominate are merely cover for homoerotic feelings they spiritualize.

Therefore, Christians, as borderline homosexuals, must attack that which they fear or risk becoming the object of their derision.

Reality has no part to play in Dyson’s soap opera.  It matters not that the love of God shed abroad in the hearts of the redeemed offers homosexuals tolerance, defense, understanding, protection and deliverance.  It matters not that the highest good done any sinner is the salvation offered by the eternal Christ.  And the fact women outnumber men in the church does not enter Dyson’s calculations. All that matters for Dyson is effective demonization in the cause of self-exultation.

However, he is quick to assure us he is only an objective observer, disinterested in the outcome.

That sounds interestingly homoerotic to people who are outside your religious traditions.  I’m not suggesting it is, but I am suggesting that there are some very interesting, subtle narrative tensions within the Bible itself, and within Christianity beyond that.”  Dyson is not suggesting Christian men present homoerotic tendencies by expressing loving devotion for Christ.  No.  It’s only an “interesting” dimension, observed when you “look through the Bible”, or when you observe such men through Dyson’s eyes.

Notice if you will how Dyson throws a knife, then denies it belongs to him, a coward sniping from the shadows, perfectly willing to level the false accusation, to achieve the desired effect, yet one found running from the scene, hoping to avoid responsibility for his crimes.  Furthermore, looking at the Bible, one finds declarative statements from God condemning sinful behaviors across the board, calling them abominations, hardly “subtle narratives” causing mere tension.  Hell is much more than a tense situation.  But teaching what the Word actually says is apparently no longer the work of the seminary Dr. Dyson attended, certainly another well-financed endeavor thanks to American taxpayers, each one, no doubt, a racist.

In truth, Dyson blasphemes Christ in all this.  He essentially accuses Christ of fraud, leading the audience to believe Christ allowed or encouraged his followers to build a false religion, a religion driving people to dominate others, to discriminate against women, to abuse homosexuals, and to hate Jews.  This is Dyson’s argument, that Christians are fools to celebrate Christ’s birthday because Christ is a fraud and Christians are his villainous emissaries.

Instead, in his vanity, Dyson would have us celebrate wickedness, and condemn the innocent. Merry Christmas from Comcast and NBC, owners of MSNBC, those who pay Dyson to deliver these not-so-subtle narratives, the music of the death dance.

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Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.