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JESUS & WEED: Burger Joint Uses Pot Smoking Jesus In Ad

SEATTLE — A Seattle restaurant chain is taking advantage of an odd combination of circumstances by creating a controversial Easter promotion featuring Jesus smoking marijuana.

This year, the restaurant has added a lit joint in Jesus’ hand as he cradles a sandwich in an advertisement that was only sent out to 15,000 people on the restaurant’s email list.  The result is a 420 Jesus [coinciding with April 20th, a cultural term for smoking marijuana].

“This is not about Jesus, it’s about the burger of the gods, its an actual burger that we have,” said Lunchbox Laboratory owner John Schmidt.

“I’m not your moral guide in life, I’m selling burgers” said Schmidt, who runs three Lunchbox Laboratory’s in Seattle, Gig Harbor and Bellevue.  “It’s not an anti Christian message, its a very peaceful message, Jesus enjoying a sandwich and a blunt.”

Read more: KOMO News
