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In my estimation there is no more vile creature on the face of the earth than one Barack Hussein Obama. He is a strident advocate for all that is ungodly, nefarious and just plain evil.

Obama never hesitates when it comes to trumpeting the “joys” of homosexuality. If he isn’t waxing euphoric over the “courageous” exploits of gay athletes such as Michael Sam and Jason Collins–he’s lecturing us on the “imperatives” of gay adoption and the “virtues” of same sex marriage.

Perhaps Mr. Obama isn’t aware of the fact that (according to the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality) the average life-span of homosexuals in America  is a scant 42 years of age? Or, just maybe–he isn’t cognizant that due to the unsafe practice of same-sex sodomy–myriad medical complications arise which leads to early death?

Our Commander-in-Chief is manifestly ignorant to the fact that over 90% of pedophiles (according to author and researcher Dr. Judith Reisman) hail from the gay community. So, by advocating gay adoption–our president is placing children in a predatory milieu that will render them scarred for life.

Sarcasm aside–I fervently believe that Obama is aware of these facts and hazards– but due to his ridged, left-wing dogmatism–he simply refuses to budge.


Yet some of his most abhorrent work comes in the area of touting and praising Islam. Back in 2007–Obama referred to the Islamic call to prayer as one of the “prettiest sounds on earth.” This explains–at least in part–why he not only backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the rebels in Syria (two groups that adhere to traditional, Koranic doctrine)–but why he also grows indignant at the slightest criticism of Islam or its prophet.   

And the results of his labor have been nothing short of cataclysmic. From the wholesale torture, rape and execution of Christians in both countries to the destabilization of the Middle East–Obama’s advocacy of  the world’s most savage and misogynistic dogma has cost thousands of innocent lives.

Barack Hussein Obama has been afforded (and blessed with) the most important position on God’s earth–President of the United States. But instead of using it as a force for good–he has used it to promote some of the most reprehensible and poisonous practices, behaviors and ideologies known to man.

And for that offense–I call him the world’s most vile creature.

Image: Courtesy of:


Pete Parker

Pete Parker is a Navy veteran and former strength athlete who writes about the current issues of the day from a conservative perspective. Pete was also the host of “TUFFTalk” radio which dealt with national security-- and the threat Islam poses to Western Civilization. He is very passionate about preserving our great nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage.