IS THAT LEGAL: PETA’s Joanna Krupa Makes Death Threat Against Huntress Kendall Jones

Last week, a firestorm erupted on Facebook over several pics of legally hunted, not endangered, African animals by a Texas Tech University cheerleader named Kendall Jones.
One would’ve thought, given the rank, ripe and replete rancor leveled at Miss Kendall that she publicly filmed the murder of a baby or something.
Sorry, that example sucked. My bad. I should’ve dug deeper for a better analogy because a Leftist doesn’t give a rat’s ass about babies getting offed, and they recently even celebrated some chick that actually filmed her abortion.
Anyway, the anti-hunting nutters on the Left did their typical crybaby shtick aimed at Jones, namely caterwaul and campaign that Kendall and her pics be “banned” from Facebook.
Aren’t liberals cute? They love banning things. They don’t care what one does as long as they mandate it. Everything else, well, it should be banned. They would’ve made awesome youths in Hitler’s army, but they were born too late. Oh, well. Maybe Satan has something new for them in the 21st century since they missed the Third Reich’s boat last century. Who knows? I guess we’ll have to wait and see, eh?
What I find interesting about the incendiary nature of their wrath against the young huntress was not only their petty protest of things they don’t like and do not understand, but the multiple online calls (which I believe have traceable IP’s to their home addresses) for Kendall’s death. One prominent song writer, a rather mannish looking, snaggle-toothed British lady, even tweeted for “the bitch to be killed“. But then she deleted it. But we preserved it, just in case she deleted it accidentally. You’re welcome.
After the homely song writer spewed her murderous rage at the teenager, a ‘Real Housewives From Miami’ … uh … star, Joanna Krupa took to Instagram and said, ‘This bitch Kendall Jones killed this beautiful creature so she post a selfie! That lion is an endangered species… breaks my f**king [heart] not to mention he had a family… I wish I can fly to Africa and shoot her ugly ass.’
Which brings me to this twist with the twisted mooks that make up the anti-hunting taskforce: Apparently, after reading their multitudinous tirades, they’re against the legal hunting of unendangered animals and they’re completely comfy with the illegal murder of a college coed.
Question: Is it okay for people to now put out calls, multiple calls, for law-abiding hunters to be killed? Did I miss some new policy that affords PETA types to go onto social media and request the death of a person? I must have, because these anti-hunting lovelies do it nowadays with impunity and I’ve preserved several of these screeds on my website at
Now, I’m sure they would say they’re merely using a “figure of speech” when they cry for Kendall to killed, but I guarantee that there’s some bath-salt zombie wanking to a Nat Geo magazine right now that just might follow through with their ill-will.
And that’s why I think the cops should pay those who made death threats against her a little visit. Y’know … a house call to find out what the blank they’re thinking, because it’s a very odd behavior for a civilized society. These death-spewing, anti-hunting clowns are giving al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda’s 2.0 version, ISIS, a run for their deranged money, they are so vocal with their terror threats. I guarantee if it were a Tea Partier calling for a person’s or a specific group’s annihilation they’d get a little knock-knock from the police. Fo’ sho’.
As stated, these freaks won’t be hard to find with the snail slime they’ve left behind on the Internet. It’s traceable and it would be a peace of cake to rattle the cages of the various and the most vociferous Facebookers screaming for Jones’ head.
Watch your six, Kendall, these winners are not right in the head.
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