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Patriots, Let’s Roll: Remember Mississippi!

by Lloyd Marcus
Clash Daily Contributor

Driving home to Florida after campaigning for Tea Party candidate conservative Chris McDaniel in Mississippi, my wife Mary and I caught Mark Levin discussing the runoff election on the radio. I am chairman of Conservative Campaign Committee. We travel the country helping to elect true conservatives in House and Senate races via independent expenditure TV and radio ad campaigns. We provide boots on the ground to organize volunteers, make get-out-the-vote phone calls and more.

Mark Levin was livid talking about the dirty tricks GOP establishment candidate Thad Cochran’s campaign employed. Levin played the despicable RoboCall designed to encourage blacks to vote for Cochran. I could hardly believe my ears. The script trashed the Tea Party, inferring that it is racist against the first black president. 

A radio ad targeted at blacks encouraged them to vote for Cochran to save food stamps and other entitlements. The ad ends instructing blacks to “vote against the Tea Party”.

Cochran’s dance with the devil to steal the election included an illegal flier filled with hate, racism and lies about the Tea Party and McDaniel.

Talk about despicable and hate inspiring, the flier claims that the Tea Party and McDaniel plan to prevent blacks from voting in the runoff. The flier also said, “Mississippi cannot and will not return to the bygone era of intimidating black Mississippians from voting.” 

What the heck are they talking about? Brother and sister patriots, this is pure evil. It is also heartbreaking.  

Oh my gosh, and this guy Cochran calls himself a Republican? The Cochran campaign was outrageous, disgusting and beyond the pale. I am extremely p-o-ed. Adding insult to injury, to steal the election from a conservative at any cost, the GOP was complicit with Democrat Cochran operatives falsely slandering decent, hard working and patriotic Americans in the Tea Party.

If this deplorable gang-bang of solid conservative McDaniel and the Tea Party by Cochran and the GOP establishment does not tell us who they really are, nothing will. God help us!

As a black conservative, for many years I have been begging the GOP to reach-out to the black community. Similar to the Tea Party Express national bus tours, I envisioned “Reach Your Dreams” tours targeted to the black community; black conservatives on stage telling their success stories via conservative principles.

The GOP’s answer was always defeatist. Why bother, the Democrats will get the black vote no matter what we do. My retort was if we can peel off 5 or 10%, that would be a great thing. I have always felt that it is the moral thing to do; to expose black Americans to the truth; to inspire them to reject the Left’s victim nonsense and simply go for their dreams.

American blacks have been brainwashed into thinking they are weak victims despite being blessed to have been born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. It is not surprising that ambitious, minority, legal immigrants come to America and do extremely well. They have not been infected by years of mainstream media and Democrats telling them that they are powerless victims of an eternally racist white America. For decades, the Democrats’ with MSM support have sold the black community their shameful manipulative evil lie; vote for us and we’ll keep the handouts coming and white racist America at bay.

So you can understand my anger. By supporting and super funding Cochran, in essence, the GOP has finally reached out to blacks, but with a liberal message.

Well, folks, the restoration of America is up to us. The Democrats, the mainstream media and the GOP are against us. We got it; no more pretending, the mask is off.

While being interviewed on the Levin radio show, Chris McDaniel said our national rallying cry should be, “Remember Mississippi!” Count me in 100%. I am fired up.

A Chris McDaniel write-in campaign is being discussed. Apparently, this is not doable. Mississippi has qualifying deadlines for all elections. For McDaniel to run as an independent or write-in candidate, he would have had to have the requisite number of signatures filed with the state no later than January 31st. 

The GOP took out the people’s choice, Tea Party candidate, Joe Miller in Alaska with a Lisa Murkowski write-in campaign.

A successful Chris McDaniel write-in victory would have been absolutely wonderful; not to mention the inspiration it would give our base.

McDaniel is still pursuing his options based on “dozens of irregularities”. I say, right-on brother Chris, do not in typical GOP fashion, go down easy. 

Good folks, throughout the Bible have faced seemingly unstoppable and all powerful evil only to emerge victorious in the final hour via God’s intervention. Brother and sister patriots, if we stick together, and stay focused and faithful, with God’s help we will defeat this vile evil threatening to destroy our great nation.

Remember Mississippi!

LloydMarcus_The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd Marcus the Tea Party Movement’s most prominent African American; seen on Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for proclaiming, “I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus AMERICAN!!!” Marcus is Chairman of Conservative Campaign Committee PAC. It’s mission is to elect conservative candidates across America.
