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#FERGUSON: Militant Group Offers $5,000 Cash Reward for Location of Darren Wilson, ‘Ammo will solve a lot of problems’

Looks like these protesters want to take things into their own hands and to the next level. So much for peaceful protests.

A group describing itself as a ‘Militant Resistance’ to a ‘corrupt police state’ has offered $5000 for details of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson’s whereabouts, MailOnline can reveal.

Officer Wilson, 28, has been in hiding on paid leave ever since he gunned down unarmed teenager Michael Brown, 18, on 9 August.

Now, in one of a series of incendiary tweets the RbG Black Rebels have stated, ‘We are paying $5k cash for location of Ofc. Darren Wilson. Real $, no joke, no crime we just wana get his photo an ask him a few questions.’

And though the RbG Black Rebels insist this is not a bounty on the officer’s head, the chilling offer is set in the context of a stream of violent online posts boasting of ‘combat experience’, ‘stockpiling’ ammunition, cleaning out gun stores and being #WarReady.

Typical of the reponse elicited by the offer is one follower’s demand, ‘@BlackRebels_Stl@OpFerguson Yank that bastard off the street. He is a murderer running free still.’

Governor Jay Nixon has already declared a State of Emergency and called in the National Guard in anticipation of the violence that FBI agents have described as ‘inevitable’ when the Grand Jury charged with deciding the fate of Officer Wilson, 28, delivers their verdict.

Having promised that a decision would be reached ‘by late November’ it now seems likely that the Grand Jury will return that decision this week.

Read more: Daily Mail