A Time To Clash: Why Obama Will Be Driven From Office

Shazam! I recently wrote of an impending “Democrat bloodbath” in the mid-term elections, but even I didn’t expect the wild and complete revolution that just took place across this land. The full-blown blitzkrieg to victory for Republicans unfolded in so many places and on so many levels that one has to take a minute or so to reflect on what actually happened, why, and what is to follow. My prediction is that Joe Biden will remain, like a drunken old motel night clerk, to run out the clock on this grisly abortion of an alleged presidency. Obama will be gone before his second term is fulfilled.
The obstinately arrogant Obama is signalling a final showdown with Ted Cruz’ revitalized and reinforced Tea Party coalition over, among other things, Obama’s proposed executive amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. It is an ultimate-stakes game of political “chicken” which will force congress to remove a perversely delusional, power-mad president.
It’s easy to make such a bold and provocative prediction, especially when one is a relatively obscure writer and therefore will suffer no great loss of reputation, property, or prospects if one is wrong. However, I find the forecast reasonable, and have reasoned it out. Through his continued lawlessness, Obama will flippantly dare congress to impeach him, and despite not really wanting to do it, they will have to.
A reporter’s question to Obama on the day after the electoral slaughter stands out as telling. CNN Senior White House Correspondent Jim Acosta pulled no punches, confronting Obama by saying: “I know you don’t want to read the tea leaves, but it is a fact that your party rejected you in these midterms. By and large, they did not want you out on the campaign trail in those key battleground states. How do you account for that?” Of course, in his rambling reply, and true to his pathologically dishonest character, Obama proceeded to pretend that any such thing happened.
It did happen. A vast plurality of Democrats themselves finally know that they have backed a smooth and excitingly novel yet incompetent, inferior criminal fraud all along, and not even their party’s usual amount of cheating and race-baiting could counter the flood of millions of rampaging Republicans who swarmed to the polls to turn the Democrats’ former messiah — via most of his accomplices running as proxies — into electoral roadkill. Who knows just how many of the Democrat rank-and-file actually switched and voted Republican this time, but we can be certain that millions of them just stayed home; didn’t vote at all, either out of demoralized resignation, or, in the cases of millions of Obama’s young and minority base, oblivious ignorance and that an election was even taking place.
In the absence of months-long media frenzies, nationally televised debates, and classroom discussions about an impending presidential election, the average yahoo on the street really has no clue that midterm elections even occur. Hence, those in the upper IQ ranges and having a seasoned awareness of politics are the ones who mainly turn out to vote in midterms (I admit that when I was much younger and much less interested in politics, I didn’t vote in midterm elections myself, that I can recall).
That dynamic is largely what gave Republicans the green light to now do whatever they see fit to do, in terms of stopping Obama’s anti-American lawlessness and subversion. They now have the power to utterly thwart Obama. They must use it, because he will leave them little choice. They cannot fool themselves nor the country into thinking Obama is interested in cooperation. They should have learned that from the way Obamacare was violently rammed down the country’s throats.
Obama, being an “all-in” radical ideologue of the type described in social philosopher Eric Hoffer’s book The True Believer,has telegraphed his radical intentions since day one. He has succeeded in pushing through on many of them. He shows no signs of relenting now. As notoriously quoted in the title of Hillary Rodham’s senior thesis at Wellesley College, adherents (as we know Obama to be one) of Saul Alinsky’s radical left-wing “community organizing” principles believe, in their politics, “There Is Only The Fight.”
For Obama, despite an electoral revolution and full-blown rejection of him and his policies, there is no new spirit of kumbayah reconciliation and working things out with Republicans. There is only the fight.
Lately, Obama has repeated again and again his plans to try to enact amnesty for millions and millions of illegal aliens by executive fiat, ignoring congress and the will of the people. Americans are overwhelmingly against wholesale amnesty for illegals, executive or legislative. But Obama sees this as perhaps his last chance to finish the job of wrecking America as we once knew America, on behalf of those he sees as deserving of the spoils. As he has shown us over and over and over again, Obama does not care one bit about finding compromise with opponents within the legal framework of the Constitution. Republican statesmen in general have expressed their reluctance to initiate impeachment against him, for reasons both stated and unstated, and that fact only helps fuel his belligerent defiance. However, key players have gone on record saying that they’ll do it if they must. My declaration is that the ISIS Apologist-in-Chief and Reconquistador-in-Chief Obama, despite refusing to know his place in the new political equation, and even though many others speak as if it’s time for Republicans to play nicey-nicey with him and with his largely unrepentant fixers to “get things done,” is finished. He will provoke his own end. He’s been given far too much leeway already, anyhow. It’s just a matter of time, and of procedural ugliness, until he is removed. Once that happens, Ted Cruz’ and Trey Gowdy’s ad-hoc coalition government of allies and ambivalent RINO figureheads will be able to at least macro-manage the addled whackjob Biden until January of 2017. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, if they remain the nominal leaders of their respective legislative bodies will merely be dragged along. We all know Ted Cruz is the real president of the United States.
Whether Obama’s ouster will happen by his own sudden resignation in the face of impending impeachment (as with Richard Nixon), or will result from formal impeachment and conviction, I cannot say. I do think, however, that Obama will be driven out by those whose job it is to remedy his high crimes and misdemeanors. He will be removed like a cancerous tumor, because he will continue to act as he has thus far — according to his nature.