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THE POWER OF SELF-IMAGE: Og Mandino and ‘The Greatest Salesman in the World’

Psychologists tell us, we become what we habitually think about all day long.  They say we are controlled by what we believe about ourselves.  If we are handicapped by a negative self-image, acquired more or less by accident, our future will be inhibited.  In other words, we are unable to go further than our perpetual, habitual self-image envisions.
Yet we have the power to change our self-image – to think positive, success-producing thoughts – to believe in a positive, productive future – to cancel (“delete, delete”) negative thoughts of the past and of our future prospects the second they arrive.
If we believe in God’s favor and the path that He has laid before us – if we willingly accept who we are, the person He created – if we listen to Him and follow His inspiration – life can be the wonderful experience that God intended for us.  He has made us free to accept or reject His blessings and favors – but we must do our part and believe in faith that we can and will achieve the destiny He intended.
As the late Og Mandino once wrote in his masterpiece The Greatest Salesman in the World

I will greet this day with love in my heart. For this is the greatest secret of success in all ventures. Muscle can split a shield and even destroy life – but only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of men and until I master this art I will remain no more than a (pauper) in the marketplace. I will make love my greatest weapon and none on whom I (deal) can defend against its force.

The Greatest Salesman in the World is one of the most powerful and inspiring books ever written about self-improvement and one’s personal philosophy of life. Mandino, it’s beloved author, was the editor of Success Magazine.  He claimed the insight in the book came from Divine inspiration, and I believe him. 
It’s a thin book.  I received my copy early in my career from the president of Cadillac Plastics in Detroit, back in the late 60s.  I wasn’t reading non-technical stuff in those days, but I was so inspired by the story that I couldn’t put the book down.  I subsequently gave everyone in our family a copy of it when they were teenagers.
In spite of its title, The Greatest Salesman in the World is really not so much about selling as it is about a personal philosophy of life – of achievement and success – of happiness.  
I’ve tried to follow Mandino’s philosophy and proscribed formula throughout my career – and continue to do so in my old age.  I’ve never encountered a problem that it did not address. 
Mandino wrote that habit is the most powerful force affecting human behavior and determining ones success in life.  The ancient scrolls, discovered by the book’s hero – are to be read one at a time – three times a day – for 30 days – until the principles contained therein become subconscious habits.
The book has a surprise ending, a surprise “Greatest Salesman”, which I will not spoil in case you read the book. 
I strongly recommend The Greatest Salesman in the World to anyone desiring to increase his or her performance and happiness.  They won’t be disappointed.
Oh! one more thing.  If you buy the book – and I highly recommended it – don’t accept a substitute or a copycat book – or a sequel.  Buy the real thing and live with it.  And if you do – let me know what you think.
Again, I recommend this short excerpt from The Greatest Salesman in the World, “Scroll II”:

I will greet this day with love in my heart. For this is the greatest secret of success in all ventures. Muscle can split a shield and even destroy life – but only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of men and until I master this art I will remain no more than a (pauper) in the marketplace. I will make love my greatest weapon and none on whom I (deal) can defend against its force.

– Og Mandino

Meditate on that — it’ll help you develop the kind of self-image God intended for you. And then plunge into the rest of The Greatest Salesman in the World.



William Pauwels

William A. Pauwels, Sr. was born in Jackson Michigan to a Belgian, immigrant, entrepreneurial family. Bill is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and served in executive and/or leadership positions at Thomson Industries, Inc., Dow Corning, Loctite and Sherwin-Williams. He is currently CIO of Pauwels Private Investment Practice. He's been commenting on matters political/economic/philosophical since 1980.