BLEACH IS RACIST NOW: Clorox Forced to Apologize for ‘Racist’ Tweet About a Bleach Emoji

Really people? It’s a bleach company making a joke about bleach. Not everything is racism. Only in Obamaland.
After iPhone’s experienced a new software update and introduced emoji’s of different color, Clorox, a bleach company, tweeted that they wanted an emoji for bleach. The ultra sensitive race baiters gave some serious backlash that forced them to apologize for the tweet.
Here is the Twitter exchange below:
@Clorox wishes they could clean up their #socialmedia accounts after "racist" tweet backlash
— Pru Absolon (@pruabsolon) April 10, 2015
Yeah.. You deff knew what you were tweeting.. RT @Clorox: New emojis are alright but where's the bleach.
— krenny lavitz (@krennylavitz) April 8, 2015
Really @Clorox ? A bleach reference when they introduce emojis of color?
— Gina Harris (@sultryglebe) April 9, 2015
@Clorox thanks for telling me which bleach not to spend my hard earned blk bucks on
— la vida broke-ah (@1014yup) April 9, 2015
@Spareacct39 @BrotherVet @BullyUzi @SaharahShae @FreedomChild3 Clorox accused of racist, #Clorox apologized.. B.S
— Isaac (@storm_isaac) April 10, 2015
O M G!!! MT @marcannem96: @GayPatriot
If Clorox had a son….”
— Lisa (@Flyingright1) April 10, 2015
This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen grown people get offended by:
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) April 9, 2015