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FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: Pamela Geller Revealed The Extensive Threat That Sharia Is To Our Free Speech Rights!

Former US Prosecutor, who led the case against Sheik Omar Rahman (the Blind Sheik), Andrew C. McCarthy, brings clarity to the Media morass on the Muhammed cartoon contest…and frees Pamela from the critics incarceration…catch more of his cogent arguments here

Check Out Politics Conservative Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Audrey Russo on BlogTalkRadio

Audrey Russo

Audrey Russo is the Host of the weekly REELTalk Radio Show (NYC). Audrey writes a column for and handles Middle East/National Security/Terrorism/Cultural Issues, and her articles can be read in several other news/opinion journals. She is also a contributor on Audrey's Radio Show can also be heard on the Leading Edge Radio Network. Audrey is also an active member of the NYC performing arts community as a singer and actor.