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CULTURE OF DEATH VICTIM: Pro-Choice Pastor Clementa Pinckney

Barack Obama is slated to deliver the eulogy at the funeral of his friend, South Carolina Democratic Senator Pastor Clementa Pinckney. Pinckney was assassinated along with eight other church members following a church Bible study attended by Dylann Roof, the white supremacist lunatic who pumped bullets from a .45 caliber pistol into nine openhearted churchgoers.

Immediately following the murders, the nation was touched by the response from the victims’ families, who extended mercy and forgiveness to Roof and encouraged the 21-year-old to seek Christ and repent. The nation was deeply moved by the outreach coming from the grieving families and saw their response as a step toward racial healing that the nation, of late, is sorely in need of.

But all that is about to end, because President Barack Obama is going to take to the pulpit at the historic black church Mother Emanuel A.M.E. in Charleston. Rest assured that in addition to quoting Scripture out of context, the president, just as he did in Tucson and Newtown, will use the pastor’s memorial as an occasion to advance his aggressive gun control agenda and reignite the racial tension that has been smoldering since Baltimore.

Besides the deaths of these nine people, compounding the tragedy is the lack of realization that neither race nor guns is at the root of what happened in Charleston. In fact, if the president was forthcoming, he would apologize to the pastor’s family, to the families of all those who died, and to America for personally setting a tone that insists that the value of life is based solely on personal choice.

For many in black Christian circles, politics take precedence over the Scripture that is unambiguous about how the God that Pastor Pinckney preached about every Sunday feels about the sanctity of life. Pastor Pinckney was a Democrat and supported the vile practice of abortion, but what the late pro-abortion pastor didn’t anticipate prior to being targeted was that he too would become a victim of a dogma that degrades the value of life.

Every day, with the approval of Obama, his political party, and men like Pastor Pinckney, 3,000-4,000 babies, both black and white, are coldly disposed of. Babies, all of whom, as Apostle Paul says in Galatians 1:15, are “set apart from their mother’s womb and called … by grace.”

To Dylann Roof, who believed “N_____s are stupid and violent,” Paul’s words held no meaning. Somewhere along the line, Roof believed the lie that the human beings he unapologetically disposed of were not worthy to live, and responded by exercising his right to choose in the most perverted of ways. So, in what should have been a womb-like environment of safety, Roof exercised his right to abort what God ordained.

And as gruesome as what happened at the hands of a hate-filled madman seems to civilized people, in abortion mills all over the country equally casual killings take place all day, every day. The difference is that the carnage Americans witnessed in a blood-soaked church hall is both tangible and real.

That’s why it’s important to recognize that Charleston isn’t about race, nor is it about the Confederate flag, nor is it about the availability of guns. The deaths in Charleston are the result of policies and ideologies run amok that give man, rather than God, the right to determine who lives and who dies.

President Barack Obama should accept some of the responsibility, because his pro-death ideology is partly to blame. The truth is that the president lost his friend Clem because Dylann Roof felt that the right to choose meant that, based merely on the color of their skin, he could blow away nine innocent people.

And so as the slain pastor and the other eight victims are laid to rest, instead of moralizing about gun control and racial injustice, a more fitting eulogy for Clementa Pinckney would be for Barack Obama to apologize for his part in cultivating a culture of death.


Jeannie DeAngelis

Jeannie DeAngelis, born in Brooklyn, New York and raised on Long Island, is a wife, mother and grandmother to three grandsons. She has written for politically-themed articles for conservative websites like American Thinker and Breitbart, emphasizing current events as well as the full range of liberal hypocrisy in politics and Hollywood, and pro-life issues. Jeannie publishes a blog at