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If Donald Trump Continues to Dominate, Then Marco Rubio Needs to Do THIS

OK, so I have a question: How many of you are in shock like I am? How many of you continue to watch all the trash talk or even informative, yet negative, information about Donald Trump filling up your feed on Facebook? How many of you are thinking, “How is this man still winning the Republican Primary? No one likes him.” How many of you are still thinking, “This isn’t really happening. This man isn’t going to be our candidate.”? How many of you are still expecting to wake up only to find out this whole Trump craze has only been a really bad dream?

Every day as I watch our presidential primary process continue, I think to myself that eventually people are going to open their eyes and see that Donald Trump is a liberal wolf in conservative sheep’s clothing, a man who would be a horrible embarrassment to our country given his immoral, crude ways and his complete lack of any kind of executable plan to make changes in America. Yet, he continues to lead in the polls, and he continues to win delegates. What in the world is going on in America?

I think the answer is simple really: Ross Perot, that’s right, Ross Perot. In 1992 this business man ran under the banner of the Reformed Party in our nation’s presidential election and handed us a Democrat on a silver platter. While liberal Democrats stayed focused on the prize, conservative Republicans remained divided on whom they wanted to run the country. The conservative vote was split, and Bill Clinton was the result.

Now I am no political expert, but it seems to me that it is time for Marco Rubio to man up, take one for the team, live to fight another day and get out of this race. Clearly, we have a situation within the GOP, for some tragic reason, where we have two conservatives and one liberal all duking it out. If you want to understand why Mr. Trump is still on top, then you need only look to that 1992 election when George W. H. Bush was defeated.

Therefore, if the Republican Party actually wants a Republican as their candidate, then it is time for Marco Rubio to say good-bye to this race. At this point, it seems obvious that he is not gaining traction and cannot win given Ted Cruz’s growing popularity. If he truly cares about this country, then he must graciously step down and put all his efforts into supporting Ted Cruz who, I believe, is the best candidate for the job given his experience, his track record, and his unwavering commitment to fight for our constitution, which is indeed the pledge of every president.

Karen Serna

Karen Serna is a wife and homeschooling mom with two children. She holds a degree in Chemistry with a minor in Math from Angelo State University. In addition, she is a certified secondary educator. Prior to having children, Karen worked for Texas State University-San Marcos as an analytical chemist and industrial hygienist for over twelve years. Her passion lies in seeing a generation of Americans once again embrace true freedom.