SCREW OFF: ‘Liberal News’ Says #Nice Killer ,’Wasn’t A MUSLIM’, There’s Only 84+ PROBLEMS With That

A liberal website is now claiming the the attacker in Nice, France was not actually Muslim because he ‘drank alcohol.’ There’s only one thing wrong with that claim: he killed 84 people and injured dozens more in the name of Mohammed. Do you believe them?
Do you think that the Nice terrorist was Muslim?
The Daily Mail is gleefully trumpeting its “EXCLUSIVE”: the Nice jihad murderer was “not a Muslim,” according to his cousin! the evidence? The cousin says: “Bouhlel was not religious. He did not go to the mosque, he did not pray, he did not observe Ramadan. He drank alcohol, ate pork and took drugs. This is all forbidden under Islam. He was not a Muslim, he was a s***. He beat his wife, my cousin, he was a nasty piece of work.”
Does all that really mean that Bouhlel was not a Muslim? No. If he really did not attend mosque, did not pray, did not observe Ramadan, drank alcohol, ate pork and took drugs, all that means is that he was a bad Muslim. He could at some point have awakened and thought, I’m headed for hell. What great deed can I perform that will outweigh all my evil deeds? And the answer to that question, of course, is jihad, the greatest of all deeds.
And that he beat his wife is hardly a sign that he was not a Muslim, since the Qur’an commands that women from whom men fear disobedience should be beaten (4:34).
Read more: Jihad Watch
According to this story, he was in fact shouting out ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he mowed down his victims:
Minutes after the last fireworks rang out above the Promenade des Anglais, thousands of people were enjoying Nice’s balmy evening air.
Families had travelled to the resort from around the world to celebrate Bastille Day, France’s biggest public holiday.
Revellers, many still in beachwear, teemed across the walkway and boulevard.
Amid the hubbub of jazz music, drinking and gentle conversation, few noticed an anonymous white lorry entering the pedestrianised zone…
The 19-tonne lorry had been parked in a suburban street in eastern Nice, within the cordon set up for the evening celebrations.
The driver was caught on camera as he cycled up to the vehicle at 9.04pm, before tossing his bicycle in the back and driving towards the coast. Witnesses described the streets as filled with children, a ‘sea of people – families, straightforward people,’ watching the ‘spectacular’ display of fireworks.
At about 10.45pm local time, the driver revved the lorry’s powerful engine and pointed it towards unsuspecting bystanders in a street that had been cleared of traffic.
The driver, now known to be drug-fuelled jihadist Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he mowed down his victims.
The deranged mass killer was also shooting from the vehicle – and is feared to have left dozens dead and maimed with gunshot wounds. Some bodies lay in an area enclosed by bollards and street lamps where the lorry did not travel – suggesting the victims were shot.
One English café owner who witnessed the attack from 20 metres away, insisted many had died from gunshot wounds. The man, known only as Andy, told LBC Radio that the driver fired a gun into the crowd as he sped past. ‘He was firing into the sea side of the promenade, and people just dropped like nine pins, it was just unbelievable,’ he said. ‘The people who were killed in front of us were killed by gunfire.’
Meanwhile in an astonishing act of heroism, a motorcyclist pulled alongside the lorry and leapt from his machine in a bid to end the bloodshed. It was not clear last night if he survived.
Others said they had seen brave pedestrians trying to cling on to the doors of the lorry.
Read more: Daily Mail
ISIS has also claimed responsibility for the attack and four other suspects in connection with the attack have been arrested:
Four men believed to be linked to truck terrorist Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel who killed at least 84 people – including 10 children – after driving a lorry into a Bastille Day crowd have been arrested as police carry out raids in Nice.
A man covered with a towel was apprehended by French police this morning as the investigation continued two days after the savage attack on the Promenade des Anglais.
Officers arrested three people in Nice early on Saturday – and one on Friday night – in connection with the probe into the horrific incident when a truck rammed into crowds in the Riviera city.
The arrests come as ISIS claimed responsibility for the deadly attack and described Bouhlel as a ‘soldier of the Islamic State’.
French authorities were investigating whether the 31-year-old lorry driver had acted alone or with accomplices, and if his motives were connected to radical Islam.
The new arrests concerned the attacker’s ‘close entourage’ and were made in two different areas of Nice. The driver’s estranged wife is also still being held by police.
Around 40 elite police officers were seen raiding a small apartment at Rue Miollis – north of the central station – where one man was arrested.
Read more: Daily Mail
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