WATCH: 11yr. Old Trump Supporter Says Trump’s Cursing Is NO Big Deal, But This Is (HILARIOUS)

That awkward moment when an 11-year-old’s answer is more intelligent than the CNN reporter’s question…
You might have noticed Hillary’s TV commercials. The ones with kids in front of the TV watching clips of Trump. (An attack ad entirely based on emotion.)
Apparently, the network is helping Hillary, by interviewing a kid to help make her point.
They asked eleven-year-old Matthew about Trump’s use of profanity.
11-year-old Trump supporter defends his candidate's use of "bad words"
— CNN (@CNN) 5 August 2016
He was asked for his reaction to the words that were used, and the name calling especially in the Primary?
“I really think that listening to a few bad words coming out of Donald Trump is a lot better than people getting blown up by terrorists, people being burned alive, people being — heads chopped off — and people being drowned”
He was asked the obligatory when you grow up question. And she asked the inane question “and the fist thing that you’d do when you sat down in the Oval Office, Matthew?”
He handled it with more wisdom and insight than you hear on most CNN panels:
“I don’t know what the issues are gonna be in the future.”
CNN gets SLAMMED on Twitter:
@CNN omg, new low for cnn
— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) 5 August 2016