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News Clash

DEAR AMERICA: Are You SICK Of Getting PREACHED At By NFL Radicals?

Aren’t these the same guys who complained so much about how wrong it was for Tim Tebow to kneel? Who’s ‘preachy’ now?

The Colin Kaepernick bandwagon is picking up more attention whores.

The Seahawks, and the Broncos are in on it now.

Denver Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall became the latest athlete to kneel during the U.S. national anthem in a protest against social injustice before his team’s game against the Carolina Panthers on Thursday.

Marshall, following in the path of San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, knelt on the sideline before the anthem began, and remained in that position while his team mates stood to his left.

“The message is I’m against social injustice,” Marshall said after the game, according to “I’m not against the military or police or America at all. I’m against social injustice and I feel like this was the right thing to do.”

Marshall, who is black, is the third NFL player to not stand during the national anthem since Kaepernick began his sideline protest against racial injustice and police brutality. Yahoo

Social justice is a deliciously fluid term. It can mean anything and nothing. In this case, it’s probably closer to the latter.

The Internet has a word for it: virtue signalling.


Linebacker Bobby Wagner said Wednesday that the team is considering a show of unity in order to promote justice and equality for all Americans, regardless of skin color.
“Anything that we want to do, it’s not going to be individual,” Wagner said ahead of practice at the Virginia Mason Athletic Center. “It’s going to be a team thing because that’s what the world needs to see. The world needs to see people coming together versus being individuals.”

..Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll told reporters he expected Lane to continue his protest on Sunday.
“We’ve talked some about it,” Carroll said. “He’s pretty clear what he did and what he was trying to express. I think it’s very simple, so we’ll leave that up to him. But he’s understanding the responsibility of it, I think, and shouldering it.”

…One complicating factor could be that Sunday’s game falls on the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a fact that’s not lost on Baldwin.

“I think that anybody should be thinking about that,” Baldwin said. “Even if it wasn’t Sept. 11, the point of the protest is to get people to think.

“I think it’s very ironic that 15 years ago on Sept. 11 is one of the most devastating times in U.S. history, and after that day we were probably the most unified that we’ve ever been,” he continued. “And today you struggle to see the unity.”komo news

Why does the Left have to make EVERYTHING political?

Thanks heaps, BLM. You’ve taken the one place where people put their political differences aside and come TOGETHER for something and you’ve turned it into something partisan, where both sides split back into their respective tribes.

Is there ANYTHING that Leftists won’t make worse?

Share if you don’t watch football to see someone’s private political opinion.