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News Clash

DEAR BIKERS FOR TRUMP: ‘Radical’ Snowflakes Threaten VIOLENCE At Inauguration – Time To Ride!

Liberal snowflakes threaten to put down the crayons long enough to riot.

We’re just wondering how many of these folks voted, or did they pull a Kaepernick and not bother…

These ass-hats are doing the same thing they were worried that they feared ‘deplorable’ Trump-supporters would do — not accept the results of the election.

But they go further.

They are now planning disruption, destruction and outright violence on Inauguration Day. Security will have to be high for Trump and Pence. Trump has told people that are harassing people post-election:

And Obama and Hillary, the two people who could actually put a kibosh on the protests?

Here’s Obama encouraging them to go on:

Hillary’s statement:

RIGHT! She hasn’t made one.

Unless you count the Concession Speech:

Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power and we don’t just respect that, we cherish it. It also enshrines other things; the rule of law, the principle that we are all equal in rights and dignity, freedom of worship and expression. We respect and cherish these values too and we must defend them.


Now — and let me add, our constitutional democracy demands our participation, not just every four years but all the time. So let’s do all we can to keep advancing the causes and values we all hold dear; making our economy work for everyone not just those at the top, protecting our country and protecting our planet and breaking down all the barriers that hold any American back from achieving their dreams.

This loss hurts, but please never stop believing that fighting for what’s right is worth it.


CLINTON: It is — it is worth it.


And so we need — we need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives.
Read the full speech here

That sounds like what some of us call a ‘mixed message’.

When these anarchists hit DC, will they be met by the Steel Horse Cavalry?

So, ‘Bikers 4 Trump’… are you ready to ride?

Share if you think that anarchists wouldn’t DARE try anything if there was a YUGE group of ‘Bikers 4 Trump’ in DC helping to protect the ‘peaceful transition of power’ on Inauguration Day

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker