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DANGEROUS IDEAS: Marxist Seeds Of Hatred Lead To Blood In The Streets

Black Americans are seldom reminded that we live at the apex of human civilization and are the beneficiaries of the most advanced technology ever experienced. Black Americans enjoy the highest standard of living of any black population anywhere in the world at any time in history.

Cultural Marxism saturates the minds of black Americans with a sense of victimization and entitlement to justice. That false sense of victimization is often the driver behind black-on-white violent crime.

Below are examples that may demonstrate the tragic outcome of convincing our black countrymen that they are unjustly oppressed when, in reality, they are extraordinarily blessed.

• A 25-year-old medical student was effectively executed outside a Walmart in Ashland, Virginia.

Ashley Fricke was gainfully employed at a nearby Holiday Inn while she worked on a degree as a medical assistant. She was engaged to be married. Friends said the victim had a bright future ahead of her. That future was simply erased with the twitch of a trigger finger.

Arrested for the senseless murder is 24-year-old Brittany L. Wiggins. Wiggins is black. The victim was white.

No motive was given by the media for the crime. It was reported February 19, 2017.

• A 31-year-old white father of two daughters was fatally shot in West Palm Beach, Florida. The city is a notorious crime center with a per capita homicide rate about the same as Chicago.

Reports say someone stole Nicholas Olson’s cell phone and wallet. The items may have been taken from the victim’s corpse by a passerby after he died.

Arrested is a 21-year-old black male identified as Javon Charles. Reports say projectiles found at the crime scene matched a gun found in a vehicle driven by Charles at the time he was arrested.

According to

City police named Charles as the suspect in a July 2015 murder as well, court records show. Police filed a probable-cause affidavit detailing how Charles reportedly shot and killed 23-year-old Marquis Roundtree on the second story of an apartment building on Tamarind Avenue and 13th Street. The state never filed charges against Charles, court records indicate.

• A black male is accused of kidnapping, raping, and murdering a 34-year-old white woman in Greenville, South Carolina.

The remains of 34-year-old Henrietta Crawford’s body was found behind a Waffle House on Fairmont Avenue, according to She had been badly burned, the report said.

Arrested for the crime is 28-year-old Markius Rashad Yeargin.


According to arrest warrants, Yeargin is accused of violently killing Crawford after kidnapping her between Oct. 20 and Nov. 6. He is also accused of burning her body to destroy evidence. Yeargin was arrested later in November in connection with a sexual assault on Fairmont Avenue on Oct. 17. Deputies said Yeargin used a knife to coerce a victim into sex. He also reportedly sexually assaulted a second victim at gunpoint in October.

• Angie Lechlitner was raped then strangled in her home in 2008, reports say. Eight years later 27-year-old Michael Ryan Brown was arrested for the brutal murder of the young white woman.

Brown, a black male, was linked to the crimes by fingerprint evidence.

According to

An electric cord was tied in a double knot, tightly around Lechlitner’s neck, investigators testified Wednesday. Her hands were bound with electrical tape. She was stabbed in the back, a wound that nicked her lung. An autopsy revealed Lechlitner, a 28-year-old nursery technician at the Norfolk Botanical Garden at the time, had been raped several times before she died, said Elizabeth Kinnison, pathologist with the chief medical examiner’s Norfolk office. Lechlitner died from the combination of being choked and stabbed, Kinnison said.

The crime occurred in Norfolk, Virginia. The victim was 28-year-old at the time of her death.

• Three black suspects have been arrested after the fatal shooting of a North Carolina business owner.

Reports say 65-year-old Jack Carter Little was found murdered at his army-navy surplus store in High Point.

The elderly victim was white.

The motive for the mid-day murder appears to be robbery. Numerous weapons were taken from the store, reports say.

Arrested are two males and a female; brothers Kemione Grady, 18, and Larento Grady, 23, and Shirley Harrington, 24, according to

The crime was reported February 21, 2017.

• 27-year-old Brian Smith of Crossett, Arkansas was gunned down in the doorway of his home, reports say.

No motive was reported.

Arrested is 37-year-old Curtis Lumsey. Lumsey is black. Smith was white.

The murder was reported February 21, 2017.

It’s time black Americans learn to be grateful rather than hateful.

photo credit: amir mike-brown_protest_oakland-0124 via photopin (license)

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Kenn Daily

Kenn Gividen (aka, Kenn Daily) is the publisher of Now 64 years old, Kenn formed his conservative views at the age of 14 and was an early member of Young Americans for Freedom. He is a vociferous anti-racist but sets himself apart from most conservatives by refusing to be bullied into silence regarding racial issues. Violent black crime is a signature issue of his website. Kenn is a semi-retired business owner. He lives in Indiana with his wife of 40 years. He has two grown children -- a daughter and son -- four grandchildren, and two granddogs.