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HATERS GONNA HATE: Women’s March ‘Leader’ Calls Trump And Netanyahu ‘Bigots’

Linda Sarsour, the Sharia-loving, Muslim Palestinian ‘Leader’ of the Women’s March spoke at a protest outside the White House Wednesday. She had a LOT to say…

ClashDaily has covered Linda Sarsour’s connections to a former Hamas operative.

ClashDaily covered when she tweeted that Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali should ‘have their vaginas taken away’ because they ‘don’t deserve to be women’.

We’ve said it before, Linda Sarsour is a vile, pro-Sharia ‘feminist’ oxygen burglar.

She’s filled to the hijab with hate and vitriol.

Her latest thing was calling President Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu ‘bigoted peas in a hateful pod’.

And then she said that Bibi isn’t welcome in America.

But honey, I thought we were supposed to open our borders to everyone… isn’t that right?

I mean, you’re not suggesting ‘vetting’ certain undesirables — like Jews — out, are you?

That would be Anti-Semitism.

Watch her hateful remarks:


Sarsour doesn’t seem to remember that she’s in America.

She says that she ‘stands for justice and compassion, dignity and respect for all people’ — except President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu.

And why does she hate them so much?

Because they want Israel to continue to exist as a democratic Jewish nation?

Because unlike some pro-Sharia states, they don’t believe in the complete eradication of the Jewish people?

When Israel became a nation, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood had said that if a Jewish state became a reality, the Arab people would ‘drive the Jews in their midst into the sea’. And they don’t seemed to have backed off on that promise.

So, you can see, dear Readers, how it’s so hateful and bigoted to want Israel to continue to exist.

Twitter reminds her:


Speaking of Twitter reminders — this one by Sarsour herself is a doozy:

But Sarsour doesn’t think it’s relevant if you’re talking about the ‘Two Bigoted Peas in a Hateful Pod’.

Because #LoveTrumpsHate.

Share if you think that maybe Linda Sarsour is the bigoted, hateful one

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker