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News Clash

HEY, CNN: NC Teen Accused Of BEHEADING His Mom Was In U.S. ILLEGALLY — Is THAT News?

The Media (D) will forever portray illegal immigrants as nice, honest, hard-working families that just want a start at a new life in America. But check out this ‘DREAMer’…

And for many, that is the case.

But not this one.

On Monday, 18-year old Oliver Funes-Machado is believed to have killed his mother and decapitated her, while 2 younger sisters, aged 2 or 3, were present in the home.

Funes-Machado had called 911 and the first deputy on the scene said that the teen exited the house with a butcher knife in one hand and his mother’s severed head in the other. When he saw the officer, he put the head on the ground and was arrested.

It turns out that this extremely disturbed young man was in the United States illegally.

A North Carolina teen who made international headlines Monday for allegedly beheading his mother with a knife is in the country illegally and is now wanted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation.

Bryan Cox, a spokesman for ICE in the southern region, said the agency has filed a detainer for 18-year-old Oliver Funes-Machado, who is charged with first-degree murder for allegedly cutting off the head of his mother, Yesenia Funes Beatriz Machado. The suspect was originally identified by local authorities with the last name spelled Funez.

An ICE detainer means Funes-Machado would enter ICE custody if he bonds out of local criminal custody in the murder case. The Associated Press was reporting late Tuesday that Funes-Machado was transferred to Central Prison in Raleigh under a safekeeping order.

“Given the charge,” Cox said, “the detainer would also apply at whatever point if/when he gets out of prison down the road. So either avenue. But the detainer does not preclude any criminal prosecution.”

Funes-Machado is originally from Honduras, ICE officials said…

…It’s unclear if the rest of the Funes-Machado family is undocumented. Children of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. typically qualify for DACA status, which means they are low priority for deportation. It’s believed Funes-Machado was among the youths who qualify for DACA status.

However, such deferred action can be revoked at any time, particularly in the case of someone who commits a crime or is otherwise found to pose a national security or public safety threat.
Read more: The Charlotte Observer

Watch the News report by WRAL 5:

This story is tragic.

A woman was killed by her son with two younger children in the home.

But this teen was in the country illegally.

Perhaps his entire family is here illegally.

Are you ok with ICE deporting this teen that beheaded his mom?

Because I’m pretty sure I can live with it.

Share if you think that illegal immigration is a YUGE problem

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker