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News Clash

Dear America: A Painting of Jesus Is Now Considered A ‘Hate Crime’ – Is This BS?

I think we already know the answer to this one…

What exactly constitutes a ‘hate’ crime, anyway?

Who gets to determine what is ‘hateful’ and what isn’t?

ClashDaily reported on the evil harpy that enlisted the help of her teen daughter and her boyfriend to hire someone to murder her husband for his insurance policy.

Is that a ‘hate’ crime?

What about the illegal occurrences of female genital mutilation carried out on Muslim girls?

Is that a ‘hate’ crime?


Because the perpetrators and the victims are from the same ethnic or religious groups. So that means it can’t be motivated by ‘hate’.

Alright, let’s make this harder.

What about Antifa and BAMN that want to ‘punch Nazis’ and destroy property (generally a Starbucks) because someone with a different point of view dares to speak at a college?

Is that a ‘hate’ crime?


Because it’s one of the ‘protected classes’ — Leftists.

But this one is being deemed a possible ‘hate’ crime.

NORTH NEW HYDE PARK, N.Y. –– Police are investigating the appearance of a large portrait of Jesus Christ found outside a Long Island mosque as a bias incident, cops said Sunday.

Detectives said an employee from the Hillside Islamic Center in North New Hyde Park discovered the painting of Jesus on a cross around 5:40 p.m. Friday. The picture was found hanging from the property fence, police said.
Source: Pix 11 News


NBC 4 isn’t mincing words and is calling it a ‘hate crime’ investigation, not a ‘bias incident’.

So, let’s sum up.

A painting of Jesus — whom Muslims assert is a ‘prophet’ of theirs — was left outside a mosque and it’s being investigated as a ‘hate’ crime.

I seem to be missing something.

Where is the ‘crime’ exactly? Or the ‘hate’ for that matter.

There is very little surface-level evidence of ‘hate’ or a ‘crime’.

Is it because being forced to look at something that you find offensive is now a criminal act?


Does that mean because I find the full-face covering — the Niqab — offensive to modern, Western principles of freedom, equality, and respect for the individual, that’s a ‘hate’ crime, too?
Clash Poll: Court Upholds Ban On Full Face Burkas – Do You Agree?

Or is this all just a load of anti-Christian pro-Islamic B.S.?

Let us know in the comments.

The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles

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Share if you think that leaving a painting of Jesus on the fence of a mosque isn’t a ‘hate crime’

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker