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News Clash

Dear Phone Obsessed Chicks: Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Look At Phone While Crossing TRAIN Tracks

Hey, phone addicts: read this –it could save your life.

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We sure love our tech, don’t we?

We can always be in touch with our friends and co-workers.

We always have instant access to that critical information we might need at any given time

— are there any road closures on the route I take home

— what time does the dry-cleaner’s close

— what was the name of that movie I saw that what’s-his-name starred in?

— is ‘not by a long shot’ or ‘not by a long chalk’ the REAL phrase?

It also means need never be bored.

Video games.

Streaming video.

Scrolling social media.

Even sites like this one. (I know, pretty ‘meta’ right?)

But it’s VERY important that you look up from the screen every so often. You might miss something.

Like falling down a manhole — it happens — or getting smoked by a car.

Or something BIG. Like this:

Dear Phone Obsessed Chicks: Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Look At Phone While Crossing TRAIN Tracks

Yes, that’s a train. She never saw it coming.

Notice anything else? The chick beside her was looking down, too. She might have shouted a warning… but she didn’t spot the danger, either.

Looking up can save a life… yours or someone else’s.

We don’t know how badly the woman was hurt. We certainly hope she lived to tell the tale. But either way, she can serve as an important reminder to the rest of us:

Share with someone who needs to look up from their phone more often.