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Iran Scam: Is It Time for Trump To Dismantle Obama’s Iran Policy?

Amid the bad news on President Trump’s “winning” deal with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which does not include the wall Trump promised during his campaign, we have worse news regarding Iran and the former president who broke multiple laws to ensure these losers can keep funding terrorism around the world:

Iran may have received an additional $33.6 billion in secret cash and gold payments facilitated by the Obama administration between 2014 and 2016, according to testimony provided before Congress by an expert on last summer’s nuclear agreement with Iran.

Between January 2014 and July 2015, when the Obama administration was hammering out the final details of the nuclear accord, Iran was paid $700 million every month from funds that had previously been frozen by U.S. sanctions.

A total of $11.9 billion was ultimately paid to Iran, but the details surrounding these payments remain shrouded in mystery, according to Mark Dubowitz, executive director at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

In total, “Iran may have received as much as $33.6 billion in cash or in gold and other precious metals,” Dubowitz disclosed.

How about some perspective? Iran’s economy is $412.2 billion, a mere 2.2% of our $18.56 trillion GDP. By comparison, this means someone would have to give us $1.512 trillion. Imagine what worthless but eternal programs our duly-elected politicians could cement into the US budget with that kind of money. Teslas for every American!

As a reminder, just last year we gave Iran $400 million in untraceable cash under the cover of night out of an unmarked plane. Nothing shady about that.

Any guesses as to what the Islamic fundamentalists demons are going to do with that money? Could Iran’s nuclear weapons program receive a serious boost, and hasten the arrival of a nuclear power that wants all non-Muslims converted, subjugated, or killed? Could Hezbollah see a major uptick in their arsenal and reach? Could Israel be more at risk? Will there be more “lone wolves”?

This money and precious metals adds to the mountain of evidence that Barack Obama has done more damage to this country than any president in history. And while much of what was given to Iran can’t be taken back, we can freeze their assets again and put back the economic sanctions.

However, since President Trump seems keen on keeping our borders open and the waves of illegals flowing, can anyone confidently believe he will do what’s necessary to keep us safe? We are supposed to have a president who ensures our national security. We are supposed to have a president who takes a hard line against the world’s largest terrorist threat. We are supposed to have a wall built. The world’s best negotiator is letting our greatest threat get away with everything, and getting nothing in return.

This same professional deal maker is scoring deals with Democrats, whom he ripped up and down during his campaign, also getting nothing in return. Everyone but Trump seems to know these people will turn on him when it suits their purpose.

In the middle of all this “winning,” I’m thinking that however long President Trump stays in office, his administration will be known as “Yeah, but Neil Gorsuch.”

Image: By User:Ggia – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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Michael Cummings

Michael A. Cummings has a Bachelors in Business Management from St. John's University in Collegeville, MN, and a Masters in Rhetoric & Composition from Northern Arizona University. He has worked as a department store Loss Prevention Officer, bank auditor, textbook store manager, Chinese food delivery man, and technology salesman. Cummings wrote position pieces for the 2010 Trevor Drown for US Senate (AR) and 2012 Joe Coors for Congress (CO) campaigns.